Being an entrepreneur is in a lot of ways similar to being an explorer. We set out on a long journey, regularly pushing our minds and bodies, and often have little or no idea of where the road will eventually lead us.…
I was a Freshman on the Salem Varsity Gymnastics team, and practice consisted of preparing the team for regionals. An unknown pain in my back wound me up in the trainer's office for an hour of the two and a half hour practice. After finishing the season strong, even though I wanted to give up countless times, pushing myself to work through the pain paid off at regionals. Even though I should have stopped because I made the pain and recovery time longer, I refused to give up on my team the week before regionals. The minute season ended, I decided to go see my doctor, he said I pulled a muscle, and the solution was rest, heat, and ice.…
The Simpson 's, Everybody Loves Raymond, My Wife and Kids, what do these shows all have in common? One word: male bashing. Male bashing is the "stereotyping of men as brutal, stupid or otherwise objectionable" as defined by Fox news.# It has turned into an epidemic these days where it could found everywhere from songs to commercial ads to television shows. Although male bashing has spread into our televisions, workplace, communities and minds, the ongoing belittling of the men in our society needs to come to a halt.…
There are numerous contemporary issues that impact physical therapy care, and vary by state or region. Many issues in the delivery of care have come and gone, or are difficult to determine because physical therapy is going through a regeneration of sorts. Proving to be a rather acquiescent profession, physical therapy is undoubtedly transforming, with new techniques at the forefront of legislation and research, the progression to specialized clinicians, and business models adjusting to economical payment structure and third party limitations. There are too many topics to talk about for the scope of this paper, so I will focus only on a few, especially those effected by reimbursement, and health care legislation changes at the federal level.…
All went well. A couple days later I went over to the Orthopedic Institute of Ohio, also known as OIO, and had my MRI read by Dr. William Sanko. There is when I received news that I would soon realize would change my life forever. I had a torn anterior cruciate ligament and a torn meniscus. I was sad and didn’t know what to expect. The recovery time was six to seven months and I didn’t want to be out that long. We as a family had to make the decision of when to schedule my surgery. Our homecoming was coming up. Being a girl, this was important to me. Unfortunately, I did not get to attend my homecoming. I had my surgery January 29th. I felt I handled the mental struggle of it pretty well. I pushed myself to get back in therapy. I did well with the pain through therapy and I came back quick. I came back five months later and was able to play volleyball my sophomore year.…
Due to a nurse, an angle at the children's hospital at UNC Chapel Hill. Filled with joy she empowered me, on a day when I was afraid of the unknown. The same nurse put me to sleep for my second bone biopsy giving me the hope to push for the next day no matter the lab results. Since then I have pursued the healthcare service trying to learn and hopefully being able to give back the hope and joy that I received. At my current age, I have learned that life is not easy. All people will face obstacles which are out of their control that will challenge their faith. Each individual has the choice to rise after the disaster and make the best of the situation. During my youth, I discovered the resilience inside of myself. Finding confidence and courage to keep fighting, pushing forward. I view it as looking for the rainbow at the end of a storm, but not dwelling on the downside of the storm, staying focused on the positive future ahead. Currently I’m thankful to report that I am a happy and health senior at Brevard High School. At my current age of seventeen the difficulties of managing my health has dissipate leading to the exciting news of being cleared by my…
Sports has always been a passion of mine. It has developed friendships and has kept me in great shape. However, I have had unexpected events in my life that have restricted athletics for me. In this essay, I will describe these obstacles and the roadblocks they have created in my road to success. I started having trouble with my knee dislocating during my 5th grade year and it escalated very quickly. I knew every time I went on the basketball court, I was going to dislocate my knee.…
After hours of lying in the most uncomfortable bed in the world, no feeling in my hands, and medicine in me that made me so sick, the doctor came in with the news. He told me that I had broken my back, and more importantly that a piece of my spine had broke off was very close to my spinal cord.…
Peterson. Over the next few weeks, I went for treatment which consisted of electrical stimulation therapy, and at least 15 minutes of Active Release Therapy, which wasn’t comfortable, to put it mildly. Although I consistently continued this therapy for two months I was not getting any better. My mom said not to be too disappointed and that we would find another doctor that could help me. We decided to go to an orthopedic specialist at Tulsa Bone and Joint. The doctor there told me that I might have endured a stress fracture and ordered an MRI to confirm his suspicions. While waiting for the results of the scan he suggested that I take a break from dance for a while to see if things would improve. So, I did. I took off four weeks from dance. During this time I became more and more frustrated because my leg pain wasn’t going away. This frustration only…
The APTA’s vision of “transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience” is a profound statement. This statement is a testament to my life because I have lived it. I am not the individual blessed with Greek like genetics who can eat whatever they’d like without repercussion. Rather, I was once an obese teenager on the verge of developing metabolic conditions. This lead too many frustrating experiences that stemmed from my inability to perform gross motor tasks. Like many Americans who need Physical Therapy this life style led to a life event where I injured myself. I had a choice: I could complete the recovery procedures while continuing to live the way that caused the injury, or I could get serious about my health and change my reality. Fortunately, I chose to change my life for the better; I chose to optimize my movement and improve my quality of life.…
Junior year was here and I hadn’t played in a single game. While at soccer practice, yes I still attended even though I was on crutches and couldn’t play, my mom called me to tell me the results of it my injury. No one had thought it was my Anterior Cruciate Ligament, but it was. It had been completely torn in half and I needed surgery for it to be repaired. He had already put in my name and date for the surgery and everything. I felt like I was paralyzed from the head down. I couldn’t help but feel so torn up about not being able to play the whole season. I decided after the surgery I would try my hardest to recover and build my self better than what I was. I went to physical therapy every day I needed to and finished…
What’s the purpose of life? What's the meaning of life? Is purpose of life to pursuit happiness throughout one's life? Happiness in life is directly related to having a specific purpose and interaction with others. the pursuit of happiness is a part of the american dream, every American and future citizens of America from other countries dream of it.…
Through my experience shadowing physical therapists I have been able to see the true beauty of rehabilitating the human body and easing pain through movement. I know these accomplishments can be explained through science, but the body’s amazing ability to heal, along with the intricacy of the brain and its communication with the rest of the body have always seemed miraculous to me. I say that movement is a “simple” act, but when you get down to the basic science, it is absolutely incredible to see how much effort and design goes into each ‘simple’ motion. It could be argued that movement can enable the human body to heal and to grow more than many other forms of treatment. Movement is something that can not only enable a person to fully enjoy all that life has to offer, but it can also enable them to be a more healthy and active player in their own life. As a physical therapist, I hope that I will be able to better the lives of those around me, even in small ways. In my work, I will strive to inspire those who are hopeless, and to cheer on those who are making progress. I want to be an encourager, an advocate, and most importantly, I want to instill confidence in my patients. Whether it be to relieve a patient of chronic pain, or rehabilitate someone back to walking or playing their favorite sport, each milestone can be seen as a huge accomplishment. The human experience is one in which we all share, and when one person reaches their potential, society as a whole is improved. I believe that physical therapists can allow everyone to reach the point where they are able to take movement for granted, and I hope to one day be a part of giving that gift to…
Life can change in a split second when an unanticipated injury or disease hinders someone’s normal daily life. Modern medicine, physicians and families can only do so much but physical therapy can help recoup the life many of us take for granted. It often isn’t until we lose something that we as humans realize what we had such as the value of our body’s ability to take us through each day. A physical therapist is the person who stays with a patient for the duration of the rehabilitation process. A physical therapist leads the patient through the process of regaining physical strength and helps the patient regain control of their future. Much like many careers that involve interaction with individuals, physical therapy reaches beyond the workings of the human body and touches many people in more personal ways. In return, a physical therapist will reap many personal benefits from their work with others. There are many requirements to become a physical therapist; specialized schooling, training and certification are only a few. To become a successful physical therapist requires the proper education, a desire to help people, patience and understanding of individuals and empathy for others.…
I wasn’t able to participate in sports growing up, but I was determined and focused to become a cheerleader, and I did. I have learned to accept that asthma is another part of me. It made me stronger, it allowed me to accept the good and bad, and used it to my advantage. Although this journey was challenging, it is the very thing that enabled me to develop my unique strengths over time. Today, I am proud of my experiences and accomplishments because they have proved to me that I am an individual who is involved, boundless, and won’t let anything get in the way of my…