refers to geography in relation to living organisms. It studies the distribution of organisms' geographically, and tries to understand the reason as to why a certain organism will prefer a certain locations compared to another. It then goes ahead to use the information discerned to describe what conditions favour different organisms.
Nonliving, as in abiotic factor, which is a nonliving physical and chemical attribute of a system, for example light, temperature, wind patterns, rocks, soil, pH, pressure, etc. in an environment.
Definition adjective (1) Of, pertaining to, or produced by life or living organisms (of an ecosystem).
(2) Pertains to a living thing (such as plant, animal, fungus, etc.) as well as its products (e.g. secretions, wastes, and remains).
noun, plural: competition
(1) A symbiotic relationship between or among living things for resources, such as food, space, shelter, mate, ecological status, etc.
(2) (general) The act of competing; rivalry.
In biology, competition is one of the many symbiotic relationships occurring in nature. Same or different members of species compete for resources, especially for limited natural resources.
Definition noun A form of symbiotic relationship between two organisms of unlike species in which one of them acts as predator that captures and feeds on the other organism that serves as the prey.
In ecology, predation is a mechanism of population control. Thus, when the number of predators is scarce the number of preys should rise. When this happens the predators would be able to reproduce more and possibly change their hunting habits. As the number of predators rises, the number of preys decline. This results in food scarcity for predators that can eventually lead to the death of many predators
flightless bird
noun flightless birds having flat breastbones