
Life Shaping Experience

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Life Shaping Experience More often than not motorcycle safety should be a major concern for riders and should be learned and practiced prior to the operation of any motorcycle. Motorcycle safety is a very important consideration not only to the operator but also for other individuals when sharing the road and should not be learned through adverse experiences. The Proper use of a D.O.T., Department of Transportation, approved helmet insures that the possibility of serious head injuries or death can be greatly reduced. Current statistics, from 2008, from The Center For Disease Control @ state that “A Proven Safety Measure. Helmets save motorcycle riders' lives. Helmets reduce the risk of head injury by 69%. In a motorcycle …show more content…

In 2008, helmets saved over 1,800 riders' lives, but about 800 more lives could have been saved if all riders had worn helmets.”
While operating a motorcycle one warm early summer evening I was involved in a traffic collision with a local elderly couple driving an earlier model 1970’s Cadillac. Not only was this Cadillac very large it was also very heavy. The gentleman that was driving was not paying very close attention as he continued straight through the very busy intersection from a left only turn lane. As I approached the intersection from the opposite direction I became aware that this monstrous chuck, of fast moving steel, was not turning nor was it slowing down. I decided it was best to smash on my breaks and discontinue my left hand turn attempt. This I believe is what saved my life that night. My bike straightened
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We went cruising around the stomping grounds of El Toro California because it seemed like the thing to do after one of us had cheated death and could still talk to the other. As we cruised we meditated on and came to the conclusion of motorcycle helmets and how they will be a part of both of our lives from now on. We talked about how it was not luck having escaped serious injury or perhaps even death due to this accident. We both agreed that it was simple physics that attributed to not having collided with any other objects during the actual event. Having agreed, that remaining friends was something that we both wanted and that riding bikes with our girlfriends was also something that we wanted to continue doing, we bought helmets for ourselves and our

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