Thesis: Being far from home has many differences from being near home.
I: Intro
II: The similarities that they both have if I was far or near home
a) Talk to family
b) Love family
c) Meet new people
III: How it is when I’m near home
a) Sleep in my own bed
b) Enjoy mama’s cooking
c) Enjoy the family
IV: How it is when I am far away from home
a) Adapted to new settings and environment
b) Learn how to mature
c) Set my own rules/ no one to answer to
V: Conclusion
Jalen Moffitt
Ds 098
Section 5
Compare and Contrast
Life’s Maturity In life I face situations that cause me to adjust to different things. I learn more when I am away from home. Being near home is so much easier than being away from home. When I am near home I can easily drive to see my family, but when I am away. I have to wait. When it was time to go off, I had to make a choice of begin away, off to college or being near home. No matter how far away or near I am to my family, I can always talk to my family, love my family, and meet new people. Talking to my family is good because it brings us closer together and allows me to have fun with the family. Talking and having fun with the family shows us how much love we have for each other and how close we are. If I am near home or away, I can always meet new people. I may see a person I never saw before, converse with them, and become their friend. Being near home has greater aspects than being far away. When I am near home I can sleep in my own bed, enjoy my mother’s cooking, and just enjoy my family. When I am near I can sleep in my own bed that I am used to. When I am far away the bed takes time to get use to and it is not as comfortable as the bed at home. Enjoying my mother’s good cooking is also an important aspect. When I am away it is hard to adjust to food that is not prepared by my mom. I have eaten it all my life, so the taste of other food cannot compete with my mom’s. When I am near home