In the movie Mean Girls, for example, the character Mrs. George, Regina George’s mother, is a character that only stands out with her appearance and personality but also her parenting style. Mrs. George is a mother of two, one around the age of 7 and the other a high school teenager. Mrs. George, from what it looks like, is a stay at home mother that is very well off. She is very into staying young and hopes to do that by dressing and talking in the same ways as her teenage daughter does.
With that being said Mrs. George in the movie shows a high level of warmth and involvement in her children’s life. As a mom Mrs. George is very proactive in seeing what her children are up to. As soon as her daughter Regina returns home from school she caters to her with drinks for her and her friends and sits down hoping to have a conversation with the girls about their current life. Another example of involvement and caring for her girls would be when Regina’s in the talent show at school and Mrs. George is videotaping the performance while also doing the dance steps in the aisle along with the girls. By doing these things she is showing that she does care about what her children are up to and makes it a priority to be involved in their life and activities.
However just because Mrs. George shows great strength in warmth and involvement she lacks a major dimension that is key when raising a well-rounded child; discipline. Mrs. George shows no authority or direction in her children’s life. “There are no rules in this house, I’m not like a regular mom, I’m a cool mom”