I love me and I am confident in knowing who I am My primary style is in Constructive Styles. My strongest trait at 11 o'clock is achievement, I tend to find work highly rewarding. My goals tend to lean toward getting the job done and in doing it well. I possess effective planning and problem-solving skills. I work well with others and share responsibility, inspire others, and build confidence makes achievement-oriented people excellent leaders.
The Style I am strongest in is self-actualizing. This style is the one I thought I'd be strongest in. I enjoy life and live in the moment. I am motivated by my own values and beliefs and I don't need approved from or to be recognized by others.
Humanistic-Encouraging individuals believe they can assist others in fulfilling their potential by providing a supportive climate that inspires self-improvement. Although very high scores on this scale are uncommon, the Humanistic-Encouraging style is positive, healthy and effective. Those who use it are sensitive to people's needs, and will devote energy to counseling and coaching others. They have a refined knowledge of people, and demonstrate maturity and consideration when dealing with them.
Humanistic-Encouraging people gain satisfaction through seeing others grow, and typically form meaningful relationships. Their willingness to take time with people makes them excellent leaders, managers and teachers.
Achievers tend to find their work highly rewarding. They are most interested in getting the job done and in doing it well. These individuals often possess the skills necessary for effective planning and problem-solving. Their ability to share responsibility, inspire others, and build confidence makes achievement-oriented people excellent leaders.
Individualistic by nature, self-actualized people have a strong interest in working to become everything they are capable of being. They have a healthy sense of self-worth, a strong