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In the novel, “Lord of the Flies”, by William Golding, he tells the story of a group of boys stranded on an island. During World War II, a plane filled with young boys got shot down which led the young survivals on a deserted island without any adults. The young boys decide to have a leader who can willingly lead the group to survival. Ralph is chosen to be the leader, yet after a series of events maybe Ralph wasn't a good choice after all. I believe Ralph is the reason of the development of their savage society. Ralph takes responsibility for the island’s decline because his poor leadership skills result in nothing getting done and the young boys breaking into groups rather than cooperating like they should have been…
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Of the many boys stuck on the island in Lord of the Flies, only one was the protagonist of the story. This boy was Ralph. In the first chapter, Ralph was the one who found the conch with Piggy and called an assembly to unite the boys and see who all was on the island. In this assembly, Ralph gets voted leader most likely because he just assumes the responsibility of the leader right off the bat and the fact that he has the conch. Ralph has several main things that are important to him that he tries to get the boys to do including building shelters and keeping the fire going. Jack has very opposing viewpoints to Ralph because Jack just wants to hunt and have fun.…
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Each boy is given a job from Ralph, but they never complete their tasks, such as building shelter for the toddlers or keeping the signal fire burning. This looses the boy’s chances of surviving, and finding help to leave the island. Even Jack is not a mature or humble leader. He displays this when being the leader of the hunters. Jack leads everyone into chaos; such as applying war paint before hunting and starting the hunter dance. Evidently lack of leadership and maturity leads to violence on the island.…
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Ralph takes on the role as the adult on the island as there is none. He constantly thinks of survival, having fire, and building shelter because he is concerned about everyone's safety, “Been working for days now. And look!” (50). He’s been working on the shelters with the other boys, but then soon tire and leave him with Simon to finish the shelter. He tries to make sure a fire is always burning, constantly thinking ahead for warmth, cooking food and the possibility of rescue. Jack is a problem, he is becoming more and more barbaric, never thinking things through or supporting others, selfish and unworthy for chief, “He isn’t a proper chief” (126). Ralph would like for everyone on the island to be in one tribe so they can all help each other using all of their strengths, some are better at building shelter, others are better at hunting. Jack does not agree and resists that idea, stealing their food and making their lives even more difficult. Jack is making Ralph’s life unbearable, but Ralph perseveres to be a leader on the…
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In the beginning of the novel, Ralph naturally took the leader position. Although not the strongest person on the island, Ralph demonstrates a great understanding of humans, much better than the other boys. This understanding of humans gives him important leadership qualities. Ralph demonstrates his leadership qualities by working towards making the boys’ society better. Ralph understands that the boys need stability and order to survive on the island. To achieve this order, Ralph creates rules and a simple form of government. “Shut up,” said Ralph absently. He lifted the conch. “Seems to me we ought to have a chief to decide things” (pg 22). In this scene the boys are arguing about what should be done in order to survive. Ralph demonstrates his leadership skills by quieting everyone and making it known that order has to be placed if they wish to survive. After this quote the group votes Ralph to be the chief. This is also where the conch is introduced. “And another thing. We can’t have everybody talking at once. We’ll have to have ‘Hands up’ like at school” (pg 33).The conch represents order, where only one boy is allowed to speak so that everyone’s ideas can be heard. This rule placed on the children is to help them from becoming savages and rebels. At the meeting Ralph assigns Jack to be the hunter. While Jack is in charge of the food supply Ralph begins to build huts and thinks about ways to maximize the chance of survival for the boys. During this time the other boys are only…
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Golding emphasizes certain characteristics of Ralph through Ralph’s words, “‘He’s not Fatty,’ cried Ralph, ‘ his real name’s Piggy’” (21).. Ralph does not mean to really hurt Piggy’s feeling, but in his words he embarrasses, betrays, and torments Piggy. When Ralph realizes how much he hurts Piggy’s feelings he does nothing to fix it. That is what The lack of action reveals the mean, harsh, and immature side of Ralph. Differences in ages cause vast diversity in the level of maturity and knowledge on the island. At twelve years of age Ralph is one of the older boys on the island (10). The younger boys look up to Ralph because of his age, and they automatically look towards him as a leader. Ralph’s age also gives him more knowledge and experience than the younger boys. The boys vote Ralph over Jack for chief (22). Despite Jack being the obvious leader, Ralph is voted chief because the young boys are drawn to his appearance and…
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In Lord of the Flies, many young boys on a plane crash onto an island without any adults. Stereotypes would tell that British school boys are proper and well behaved. This is what they used to be before the fear set in. Upon coming onto the island they created a system of order. Finding a leader, getting a source of food, and a way to get off the island. Yet being isolated on the island with the ability to do whatever they want, they start to break the rules. Jack…
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In today's society, human beings must learn to take care of something or someone,and that is a responsibility that they must uphold. In both the Lord of the Flies, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the responsibility of the boys is to manage by themselves without any adults to take care of them. The events in William Golding's book Lord of the Flies can be easily compared to those of Mark Twain's book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, because the main characters both have major responsibilities. There are two responsibilities that the characters came in contact with, taking care of people,including themselves, and being responsible enough to do the right thing. Thus, responsibility helps individuals to evolve and…
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William Golding’s Lord of the Flies begins in a place every child dreams of an island without parents or rules where they can finally be in charge of themselves. Given these circumstances, these British students ranging from ages six to twelve began their experience on the island with enjoyment and relaxation. However, these children soon discover the darker side of this tropical paradise when they argue over which tasks are more important. This leads into the discovery of whether they should keep their civility or become savage and escalates to their loss of innocence. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph, Roger, and Samneric face an early loss of innocence and the decision between civilization and savagery.…
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when they first landed on the island the idea of government was first brought up by the conch shell which symbolized power and eventually lead to the election of a leader (Ralph), leading to the children coming together and working towards survival and hopefully their salvation this as we know failed as the tribe split in two and became democratic and dictatorship based with Ralph as the democratic leader and Jack as the Dictatorships leader.…
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Actually, I can't imagine what the world would be like if children ruled the world. Children are sometimes cruel and more human than adults. I mean children depend on instincts much more than adults. As children, we pretended to be very nice because we were afraid of parents scolding us. If children had no fear, they would be "Les Enfants Terribles" (Jean Cocteau).…
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The Lord of The Flies shows me that children can not think as or act as adults. An example of this “Bollocks to the rules! We’re strong-we hunt! If there's a beast we’ll hunt it down! We’ll close in and beat and beat and beat-!” This examples the fact that children are not rational they think and speak with emotions. Jack is saying that he won't avoid it or try to logically confront his issue. An adult in my opinion would seek reason as to why the beast hasn’t got them first and that maybe its best to avoid the beast since it’s just a bunch of kids with sticks, they should comprehend that they are not as strong as adults and cannot comprehend the world on the same level that adults can. Another example of the children not being able to fully…
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Children are sometimes easier to control than adults. This is the case especially if you control the money their getting, their resting time, and their jobs. Factory owners could tell a child to do something, and the child would, for the child receives money for what he does and doesn’t understand any better. The authority could tell a child to do something life-threatening and the child, not knowing any better, would do it. Children were simply easier to control and boss around.…
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Going to school should be about learning and developing skills needed in life, but grade school kids today take going to school as a chance to show off the latest trends at the expense of the less fortunate that are not able to keep up with those trends. History has shown how far kids go with that, a young girl only ten years old took her own life because of constant torment about her clothes and shoes. Children naturally are honest about certain things and that honesty can sometimes become cruelty to other students, and taking away the fuel from the fire can be a good start. School uniforms should be required in American Public Schools because their use would lead to uniformity in kids, less chances of being a victim of bulling, and a lower cost to parents.…
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People never seem to quite understand the meaning of being an “adult”. I myself am not very sure of the full meaning of it. It has always seemed to me that age is irrelevant. You can be 12 and understand things better than a 30-year-old or you can be 40, have two PhD’s and still wonder if pigeons are migratory birds. Many people my age think that getting out of their parents’ house is an act of maturity but how does changing your situation prove that you are an “adult”? If they run away from home it is more likely to lose themselves trying to cope alone and underprepared with the difficulties in life. To become an adult you must achieve a separate identity. Still everyone perceives the world and every thought in it through their own consciousness.…
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