LLUK is a company limited by guarantee incorporated in June 2004 which became a charity on 28 February 2006. They established a strong network of constituency and country panels and a cadre of regional and national managers. They secured a very substantial programme of work over and above our core remit. The Chief Executive and his colleagues were increasingly active in the Skills for Business Network And set our hand to the …show more content…
challenging task of delivering a Sector Skills Agreement which will have need to respond to the skills needs of employers in all other sectors .
LLUK’s objects are to advance the education and training of all those working in the field of lifelong learning:
1. •thereby improving the educational standards of the workforce available to employers in the Sector;
•thereby advancing the education of those in lifelong learning;
3. •thereby improving the educational standards of the workforce available to employers in general;
4. •thereby generally promoting industry and commerce.
They are a very young organization with an exceptionally challenging mission: to ensure that lifelong learning employers can recruit, retain and develop highly skilled and effective staff, so that everyone in the UK can gain access to the skills and knowledge needed to build a prosperous and inclusive society.
Bass and Vaughan (1966)defines learning as 'A relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of practice or experience'. Learning is a psychological process that cannot be directly observed. We can only infer that learning has taken place on the basis of observation that behaviour is different at one point in time from that observed
An important part of becoming a ‘skilled learner’ is being able to recognise what ‘blocks’ or ‘barriers’ to learning you may have. Understanding learning ‘blocks’ can help you to identify how to remove them or, if they cannot be ‘removed’, how you can work round them. Poor/ inappropriate physical environment or lack of resources is very common blocks to learning. Career Development Loans (CDLs) are a longstanding programme, available within Great Britain (GB), intended to help remove the financial barrier to learning. They have helped tens of thousands of people to give their careers a lift.Their aims are to increase the amount of vocational learning, encourage more individuals to take responsibility for their own learning, and to encourage financial institutions to view learning as an investment worthy of a loan. To reach the goals, all as a society must invest more. It is clear who will pay. It is all of the society– it is the State, employers and individuals. But this will be the best investment we could ever make.