Lifespan Development
The life-span development of a person is an amazing issue to study. From the prenatal phase to death, the changes that occur in each stage are incredible. The various issues that are addressed in life-span development show the differences between nature versus nurture. These aspects play a major role in genetics, lifestyle and emotions. People continually develop physically, cognitively, socially and behaviorally through all stages of life. Working in the Behavioral health field the life-span development theories can help with specific behaviors of people and experiences. According to Santrock (2007) “personality can be better understood if it is examined developmentally.” Behavioral Health counselors must provide clients proper context and explanations. This can be achieved through the basic theories of cognitive, biological and socio-emotional development principles. Research in these areas has been done and evidence has been found that life requires stability and change (Myers, 2007). Stability enables us to depend on others and change motivates us. Children that are with La Paloma Family Services are offered stability and change. Many come from very unstable environments and are use to change in negative ways. So as Behavioral Health Professionals we are there to provide positive stability and change. The life-span development stages and the understanding of the environment that clients come from will provide Behavioral Health Practitioners the ability to counsel a client in an effective way. Chapter one of Santrock (2007) assessed various theorists and concentrated mainly on early childhood development. These principles help to give insight on an individuals behavior patterns from early on. Santrock (2007) made an interesting point about the environmental influence playing a major role in a person’s development. The chapter explains Piaget 's cognitive developmental theory relates to a person’s behavior and how one adapts to the environment around. The
References: Santrock, J.W. (2007). A Topical Approach to Life-Span Development. [ Custom
Edition e-text]. , : The McGraw-Hill Companies. Retrieved August 30, 2008, from , PSYCH 500 Web site.
La Paloma Family Services personal communication, August 29, 2008
Boeree, C. George. (1997). Erik Erikson: 1902 to 1994. Shippensburg, PA: Shippensburg
University. Retrieved August 30, 2008, from
Myers, D.G. (2007). Exploring Psychology (7th ed.). , : Worth Publishers.