It could help occupational therapy practitioners reflect on their concerns since it contains factors that measures clients’ performance in context. Therefore, it could help practitioners detect possible deficits in performance skills and how clients’ contexts and environments could affect their skills when doing occupations (Martin et al., …show more content…
It is important to understand the realization of habits and routines, as these are ingrained in to the subconscious mind (Martin et al., 2015). As one abides by their routines and innately performs habits, it is important for a practitioner to know how to help clients change their habits and routines that are maladaptive to their health and quality of life. Also, since the LHQ is not designed for a complete initial evaluation, the results of it could be used to determine what other information is needed to develop the appropriate treatment interventions. As well, as a part of clients’ recovery, a component of the therapeutic relationship is for the therapist to positively commit to change (Martin et al, 2015). An example is when the therapist introduces ideas of adaptive occupations that a client could find meaningful and do without resorting to using and abusing substances. These adaptive occupations could be performed in contexts and environments that will promote strong potential for long-term recovery (Martin et al.,