Student number: 51135841
The module code: HSY1501
02 Semester
The Assignment 03
Unique Assignment Number
Contents: Page:
1 Declaration 2.
2 Question 1- short questions 3.-4
3 Paragraph questions 5-6.
4 Essay 7.-9
5 Bibliography 10.
Name: Ni-Shaat Solomon
Student number: 51135841
Module code: HSY1501
Assignment number: 830288
I declare that this assignment is my own original work. Where secondary material has been used (either from a printed source or from the Internet), this has been carefully acknowledged and referenced in accordance with departmental requirements. I understand what plagiarism is and am aware of the department’s policy in this regard. I have not allowed anyone else to copy my work.
1. What were the similarities between the economy of the pre-colonial Khoekhoe and that of the San? (2)
The two bands shared a travelling lifestyle where they followed the rains for better hunting and herding to take place, however the San was more mobile than the Khoekhoe. Each clan relied on livestock to survive however the San did not own livestock such as the Khoe.
2. What was the main economic difference between the San and the Khoekhoe and how did it influence their perception of material wealth? (2)
The Khoekhoe practised a pastoralist way of living whereas the san communities were more prone to a hunting-gathering way of life. The Khoekhoe owned and domesticated livestock and this determined their wealth as well and the San hunted them and shared the wealth amongst family.
3. How did the Khoekhoe ensure that their diet was well balanced? (2)
The Khoekhoe maintained their diet by herding their livestock on rich and fertile ground and being close to waterholes. Their cattle, sheep and other livestock contributed to their diet as a source of