Course: 12 PHY Level: 2
Title of Assessment: Light Manipulation using telescopes
Standard Number: AS91169 Version: 2 Credits: 3
Time Allowed: Two weeks Due Date: 2nd March 2018
Further assessment opportunity offered: Yes
Teacher in Charge:
Student's Name __________Bradley Cartwright____________ Tutor Group ______NWIN________
Teacher ____CRR________________________
Date handed in ________________________Time handed in ____________
Teacher's Signature ___________________
Authenticity Statement
The work I have submitted for this assessment is my own. I have identified my sources and acknowledged quotations and references in this assignment.
Signature of student:_______________________________
Light Manipulation using telescopes AS91169. Begin report here:
In 1608 the very first telescope was made and used.Inside a telescope there are lenes (smaller kind). There are two different types of lenses Concave and Convex.
(Google Images) in this diagram it show light behavior when passing through a lense. As you may see in the Diagram the concave bends the light to focal point which is known as “F” on that point is where the image is formed. the other lenes is an concave. As …show more content…
Now The refractor telescope made of plastic (outside) and the lenses are made of glass and any see through material eg Perspects. The image is developed by the two lenses as the light goes through a medium, glass it bend a refracts if the lens is a Convex it will focus the light towards the point F f stands for focal point it where all light rays pass forming the centre of the image. The lenses are see through but there is something called a critical where the angle of refraction is greater angle of incidence 90°. In this diagram it describes the Critical angle and the rule and how the Total internal Reflection is created. (google