This paper will explore very important differences and similarities of two master pieces of art work, both named "Madonna and Child", available at Metropolitan Museum of Art. First piece, "Madonna and Child" C.1230, was made by Berlinghiero, an Italian artist who lived in early thirteenth century. The other version of "Madonna and Child" was made in 1480's, by a famous Venetian artist Giovanni Bellini, who lived between 1430-1516. Therefore, this short paper will be an attempt to show the change in art occurred in the same area but in different times.Starting with the "Madonna and Child" of Berlinghiero, which is a very unnatural image, Mary and Christ look flat because there is lack of showing depth. Mary is holding Jesus in her arm in front of a golden background. While Jesus looks towards his right, Mary is looking at the viewer. She has suffering expression in her face. The lines around her eyes and forehead, and her lips shows that she is upset. Mary appears like she knows the future crucifixion of her son. Also another reason why she is upset, would be the isolation and anger towards her because of having a baby in an illegitimate way, which is not true but most of the people didn't understand when she gave a birth to Christ . Mary's hands, one holding Jesus, one pointing him, are very thin and long. Jesus, unlike Mary, has a calm expression and his face looks very old and mature for his body's size. He is holding a scroll, probably it's a religious text from the Bible, which may refer to bringing the direct afflatus of the Holy Spirit.Performing "Madonna and Child", Berlinghiero was influenced by Byzantine icons, small portable paintings depicting holy figures usually Christ and the Virgin. This icon-like image exhibits many of the characteristics of Byzantine traits, for instance, the Virgin's long straight nose and small mouth, schematic linear folds of Christ's robe.When examining…