A Study on performance of bank using Camel modelwith special reference to The Citizen Co-operative Bank Ltd.
India has large number and broad range of rural financial services providers with formal financial banks at one extreme informal provider such as money lenders or traders at the other extreme and between these 2 a large number of semi-formal providers the co-operative sector was conceived as the 1st formal institutional channel for credit delivery to rural India. It has been regarded as key instrument for achieving the financial inclusion objective.
* To know the capital adequacy requirements of the co-operative. * To know the credit risk prevailing in the bank. * To know the qualitative measures to monitor and control risks. * To know the profitability of the co-operative banks. * To know the liquidity position of the bank.
Financial statements of banks operating in India will reveal that all of them are almost identically structured. This is because the banks in India have to prepare their financial statement in accordance with the 3rd schedule of sec29 of banking regulation act. A typical banks balance sheet has 12 schedules 13-16 being allocated to the income statement. In order to compare banks, which is the larger bank?The one whose average assets are larger other banks or the one whose total income. It will evaluate the bank performance on various parameters. There are also more sophiscated models based on performance of bank using camel method.
Regulators analysis and investors have to periodically assess the financial condition of each bank.