From the early days of the Egyptians’ using papyrus to write communications to the modern time printing of Harry Potter, publishing and determining what to publish has been a historical revolution by its self. (Campbell et al, 2007)
In the early days of the middle ages, Christian Clergy were among those who influenced what was printed. This era was called the manuscript culture. Much of the writings during this era were that of biblical verses. (Campbell et al, 2007) This culture was class based and often only available to those closest to the rulers of their areas. (Manuscript Culture, 1998) The material became more powerful than the spoken words, as oral traditions now could be read, and one not need to rely on individuals to tell their stories. (Manuscript Culture, 1998) Prior to the development of Gulenberg’s printing press, society relied on what was told to them by their leaders, communities, social classes or the habits or teachings of their family members. Now a person could find their own identities through learning from the writings of others. Book Types Determining what type of book to publish and the contents often takes time and a great deal of money. Trade books are aimed at the general readers. These books are published for distribution to the general public through booksellers. This industry consists of adult and juvenile divisions. The adult division contains fiction, nonfiction and biographies. Literary classics, hobby books, art, travel, popular science, computer, self help books and cookbooks also make up this category of books published. (Campbell et al, 2007) The juvenile sections range from preschool picture books all the way up to young readers series such as, Harry Potter. Text Books are generally published for teaching purposes. They range from elementary age books on teaching students how to read through to college level books, such as the one we are using for this class. (Campbell et
References: Campbell, R., Martin, C. R., and Fabos, B. (2007). Media & culture: An introduction to mass communication (5th ed.). Boston: Bedfords/St. Martins. Manuscript Culture. (1998). Retrieved August 16, 2008, from