Linda Orman was born on June 5, 1935 in Bainbridge, NY. She is a 78 year old Caucasian woman who was married for 30 years, and is now divorced. Orman considers Bainbridge, NY to be her hometown. She attended Syracuse University for two years, but failed to complete a degree. She has three daughters.
Orman’s father served in the military during World War II, flying in the “Army Air Force,” as it was called at the time, according to Orman. …show more content…
There was a shift from World War II to the Vietnam War of less detached sentiment and more of a gruesome reality. The ability for Americans to view the actual results of war through film created a negative sentiment about the war. The less visual world of radio and newspaper during World War II allowed for people to create their own, less violent, images of war in their minds. The power of technology development on media and the war directly affected the war effort. Conducting research through the oral history method was much harder than I believed it would be. My subject was not as forthcoming as I had hoped she would be, but she was an interesting subject