Richard D," a child support dispute that was a problem in Texas. Linda and Richard had a child out of wedlock. Therefore Linda was unable to get the D.A to assist her because of the wording in the statute. “any parent who fails to support his children is subject to prosecution, but which by state judicial construction only applies to parents”(Wikipedia, web, 03/09/17). So because the child was "illegitimate," Linda was unable for relief. She filed to compel the D.A only to have to appeal this case all the way to to the supreme court. The Supreme Court ruled that “ the legal standing to keep the prosecutor's' office from discriminatory applying a statute criminalizing non-payment of child support. In dicta, the court articulated the then-prevailing view that a crime victim cannot compel a criminal prosecution because "a private citizen lacks a judicially cognizable interest in the prosecution or nonprosecution of another.” (Wikipedia, Web, 3/09/17). The marital status was irrelevant because Linda was a victim of the crime. The D.A had ruled in error. And the attention the case gave the issue had been brought into the light. No longer was the victim abused to ensure the D.A's success. The victim's rights movements had …show more content…
Mental anguish and breakdown have become more prevalent in modern society. The day to day stressors that the average person is very different than 50 years ago. An individual who does not have to search for food or general shelter however he does have to deal with way too much stimulus for the mind and a massive increase in population. There have also been significant advances in medicines and food preservation techniques. Add all the chemicals to the environment, and you have people who are ticking time bombs. Enacting these ground rules would have a huge impact for the good of all crisis