Spreadsheet Problem 1: An individual has to choose between investment A and investment B. The individual estimates…
Linear programming problems have a.|linear objective functions, non-linear constraints.| b.|non-linear objective functions, non-linear constraints.| c.|non-linear objective functions, linear constraints.| d.|linear objective functions, linear constraints.| ____C 7. The first step in formulating a linear programming problem is a.|Identify any upper or lower bounds on the decision variables.| b.|State the constraints as linear combinations of the decision variables.| c.|Understand the problem.| d.|Identify the decision variables.| e.|State the objective…
A point at which an entity covers its costs and starts to make a profit.…
1. Use Solver in EXCEL to solve each of the following linear programming problems. To do so,…
The financial assistant received the important assignment by memorandum from the CEO. The memorandum stated that the company is considering the introduction of a new product (Keown, Martin, Perry, & Scott, 2005). Caradonia is currently at a 34% marginal tax bracket with a 15% required rate of return or cost of capital (Keown, Martin, Perry, & Scott, 2005). The new project is estimated to last five years and then be terminated because of being a fad project (Keown, Martin, Perry, & Scott, 2005). The financial assistant must analyze two mutually exclusive projects. Each project has an 11% rate of return and a life span of five years (Keown, Martin, Perry, & Scott, 2005). The following table (table one) shows the expected cash flows for each project.…
This course introduces students to the use of the computer as a business modeling tool. The overarching goal is to teach students to use computers to analyze models and data for integrated decision making across multiple domains including finance, marketing, accounting, strategy, and operations. The course proceeds in several parts: 1) Data Modeling - building on INFO 1010 and MATH 1140, the course will review data modeling in Excel; 2) Deterministic Modeling - the course will cover decision-making under uncertainty using optimization models such as linear programming. Problems such as portfolio optimization, transportation, assignment, set-covering, and scheduling are covered and the concepts of problem formulation and sensitivity analysis are introduced; 3) Spreadsheet Automation - concepts for programming in Excel will be introduced; and 4) Probabilistic Modeling decision making in an environment of uncertainty is covered using simulation and the principles of decision analysis. Students will also learn to choose the appropriate probability distribution for a given problem.…
Integer programming is concerned with optimization problems in which some of the variables are required to take on discrete values. Rather than allow a variable to assume all real values in a given range, only predetermined discrete values within the range are permitted. In most cases, these values are the integers, giving rise to the name of this class of models. Models with integer variables are very useful. Situations that cannot be modeled by linear programming are easily handled by integer programming. Primary among these involve binary decisions such as yes-no, build-no build or invest-not invest. Although one can model a binary decision in linear programming with a variable that ranges between 0 and 1, there is nothing that keeps the solution from obtaining a fractional value such as 0.5, hardly acceptable to a decision maker. Integer programming requires such a variable to be either 0 or 1, but not in-between. Unfortunately integer programming models of practical size are often very difficult or impossible to solve. Linear programming methods can solve problems orders of magnitude larger than integer programming methods. A typical mathematical program consists of a single objective function, representing either a profit to be maximized or a cost to be minimized, and a set of constraints that circumscribe the decision variables. In the case of a linear program (LP) the objective function and constraints are all linear functions of the decision variables. At first glance these restrictions would seem to limit the scope of the LP model, but this is hardly the case. Because of its simplicity, software has been developed that is capable of solving problems containing millions of variables and tens of thousands of constraints.…
Additional Problems and Cases Chapter 1 Extra Problems/Cases 41. What is the difference between a parameter and a decision variable in a mathematical model? 42. Discuss how a spreadsheet can facilitate the development of a model shell and the model itself. 43.…
The first step is to develop a linear programming model for maximizing return subject to constraints…
We are asked to formulate and solve the linear program in excel, write the sensitivity ranges for…
Question 1 Graphical solution (16 marks) For a linear programming model given below: Decision variables x1 Units of product 1 to produce. x2 – Units of product 2 to produce. Objective function Maximize 4.0x1 + 3.6x2 Constraints Constraint 1: 11x1 + 5x2 > 55 Constraint 2: 3x1 + 4x2 < 36 Constraint 3: 4x1 – 9x2 < 0 Nonnegativity: x1, x2 >= 0 Solve this linear programming model by using the graphical approach (Graph paper is provided on the next page). For your graphical solution, Label the axes. Draw and label each constraint. Show your procedure of drawing Constraint 3 only. For each constraint line, determine and label which side is feasible. Briefly explain how to determine the feasible side for Constraint 3 only. Shade and label the feasible region. Identify all feasible corner points and determine the coordinates of each feasible corner point. Show only your calculations for the corner point determined by Constraints 1 and 2. Determine the optimal solution and objective function value. For all calculations in this question, please…
Program models done in Excel Solver, I would not only like you to print the spreadsheet with the end results but I also want to see the Decision Variables, Objective Function, and Constraints that you modeled using Excel Solver. This portion can be hand written. This is the only way that I can give partial credit for incorrect answers.…
Mr. Ramesh Chandra is a Software Development Project Manager in one of the renowned Indian Software Services Company, namely “ABC Technologies”. The company’s business division has recently won a project from a major…
For Problems 1-3 below, submit a non-technical consulting report (approximately ½ a page for each…
I will describe how to perform portfolio optimization in class. Excel is equipped with an optimizer (Solver) that requires you to specify what you are trying to maximize or minimize, the variables (weights) that may be adjusted in order to maximize portfolio efficiency, and the constraints imposed…