Adverbials: before, while, when
LING 580
Methodology: During 1 ½ hours of elicitation, my partner and I together elicited adverbials. We elicited for a variety of adverbs, including conditionals such as ‘before’ and ‘after’, forms for time adverbs such as ‘the first time’, ‘the last time’, and also single words for times of day, week, month and year.
Results: The words we elicited are below:
Table 1: Time adverbials
|Time adverbs | | | | |
|before |asati [third person] |usati [you] OR |da sati [I] | |
| | |usati wa |asati da | |
|after |a | | | |
|while |ۗči [marker for 3rd] |u ۗči [you] |di ۗči [I] | |
|when/if |kana OR pa | | | |
| | | | | |
|first time |tanga [ka tanga] | | | |
|last time |pedzi cera [ku] | | | |
|everytime |ireya | | | |
|next time: |kana [conditional |pa [certain] | | |
|when [certain] |pa |