Purpose of the DMO
The purpose of Lings Cars website is to advertise and rent out rental cars for their UK based company. The intention of this website is to expand Lings Cars business through technology, and hopefully increase their revenue by providing more rental cars to people. Information on the cars is presented across multiple web-pages on the website, which is owned by Lings Cars. Ling Valentine (CEO of Lings Cars) "handcrafted" the website, so I 'll be referring to her as the creator of the website.
Target Audience
Lings Cars is targeting potential future customers considering hiring a car or van. It’s also targeting long-term contractors that might be interested in the business. Since Lings Cars’ company …show more content…
is based in the United Kingdom, they only provide this rental car service in their country (England). All the targeted customers will have to be somewhere in England or be holiday makers planning to stay there. Ling is also targeting previous customers who are willing to hire from her company again.
Advanced Tools and Techniques
Technique 1 & 2 (CSS and DIV)
Lings Cars website has been made using XHTML, one main External Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and two partially modified CSS. The main CSS was used for interoperability with modern browsers only, and the other two were modified especially for Internet Explorer 6.0 and Internet Explorer 7.0 because they are older versions and require slightly different instructions to run on.
Cascading Style Sheets can be made using a plain Text Editor, such as Note Pad or Note Pad ++. The file extension for the Cascading Style Sheet would not be ".txt" however; it would be ".css," as used by Ling. She named her CSS, "main.css."
Cascading Style Sheets are made for websites to incorporate a design or layout scheme which can be continuously spread across every webpage of the website. It’s created by placing this tag <link href="/main.css" rel="style sheet" type="text/css" /> in the header section of the HTML pages, so that it links all the CSS code to work in the HTML pages when it’s loaded.
The advantages of CSS are that, it’s easier to check the accuracy and consistency of the background colours, widths and heights of menus, font colours etc… because you don’t need to go through every HTML tag on every single page looking for the same specifications. Instead, they can be found in the CSS and you only have one code for each tag, e.g. body {background-colour: #FFF ;}. This could be used in one style sheet to style a lot of other webpages. So it saves a lot of construction time for the website and is a more efficient way to make one. I could tell that Ling has used CSS because each page has the same theme throughout the website on every page. More importantly, I viewed the source of the code for her page, which clarified the fact that she was using CSS to style her web page.
She has used the CSS technique to structure most of her page with the help of a variety of <div> tags also. By using different div tags (<div class=”header”> <div class=”footer”>) she could create a header, footer, navigation etc. and style it all with CSS. The div tags hold a specific visual style in place so that sections of the page can be designed separately without hassle. It is possible to align, colour, change font, set size etc. on different <div> 's using CSS. This contributes to the creation of the layout of the website. Without the use of div to design elements of the webpage, there would be no stability or specified areas of the webpage that play a specific role. It would all be jumble, unless you use a table and set all the information out in that. But more so, Ling created her CSS to design most elements so it 's not restricted to just designing <div> 's.
Without the use of CSS for Lings Cars HTML website, the quality of the page would be rather sloppier than it is now. HTML Validation would be daunting and take a long time by hand, and the page would load much slower because all the designing code would be coming directly from the page, not from an external resource. The time problem would possibly affect the business because customers do not like waiting long periods of time for a webpage to load. However, there is a thing called Internal Cascading Style Sheets. This differs from external ones, because you can incorporate the code in the header of the HTML page, without having to link it to a separate file outside of the webpage code. It would work just like an External CSS, but it would not be as efficient because it will still take a long time for the page to load since the coding is all on one page. By using the advanced technique of External CSS, Ling 's webpage quality turned out better than if she had used the techniques HTML styling and Internal CSS.
Technique 3 (Floating Frame)
Another one of Lings advanced tools is the Floating Frame, which is used throughout all of her webpages to display the availability of her employees. It displays their first name, rating (e.g. 5 stars), job position and whether or not they are online. There 's also an option for visitors of the page to hold a conversation with a worker if they are online at the current point in time. The Floating Frame is used for customers to see the same information all the time, it’s an easy option to use if one wants to inquire with employees about a car or contract or anything relevant to the business. It’s invented to float up and down the page as we scroll, making it stay in the same place.
In this case, Ling has constructed the Floating Frame in the body part of her HTML Document using at least these tags, “<div class="floater"> in html and {position: fixed;} in CSS .” She also used a set of complex codes to develop it. So on Lings Cars, the Floating Menu will always be displayed in a fixed position and show its contents to visitors on each page all the time. The actual menu part of it consists of a table or <table> which keeps the employee information all in one place. But no matter what, it will always be on the right hand side in the same place on the webpage as long as you are on Ling’s website.
To have a Floating Frame on her webpage can be beneficial because you can rely on it to be displayed on every page. It eliminates the hassle of customers having to search for it on every page, or look for a way to interact with the employees. Without the use of a Floating Frame, visitors on the webpage would take more time to contact the employees and would probably be frustrated. One disadvantage however, would be that when my screen is half displayed, the floating menu actually overlaps other pieces of information on the website. For example, whenever I scrolled down the page, the menu would move on top of the car deals etc… so I had to scroll down in order to see the information it previously covered. This problem did not occur when the page was fully displayed across the screen.
Here are a few screen shots to demonstrate this;
Here’s an example of the overlapping Floating Frame when the page is limited to covering half the screen.
Taken on the 28/02/2013
Here’s an example of the overlapping Floating Frame when the page is limited to covering half the screen.
Taken on the 28/02/2013
Here’s an example of the overlapping Floating Frame when the page is fully covering the screen.
Taken on the 28/02/2013
Here’s an example of the overlapping Floating Frame when the page is fully covering the screen.
Taken on the 28/02/2013
Asset and File Management
Due to Ling’s rebellious attitude towards the typical web design protocols, it’s hard to surmise what techniques she may have used to manage her files as her webpage is very unruly and confusing. But one way that she could have stored her files was in a cloud networking system. s
Data Integrity and Testing Procedures
Testing Procedures - Ling could have invested in a html validator to check the accuracy of the code on her webpages. Html validators give feedback on whether or not the code is accurate and will function properly. By uploading the file, copy pasting the code or inserting the URL, the html validator will assess the webpage. If there are incorrect tags or tag structuring in the page, it will give feedback on which line was incorrect and what the problem is.
If the webpage has a few faults, it will look like this. If the code is successfully checked, it will look like this.
There are also warnings, but those are only potential mistakes. They are not errors.
Ling could have also used a spell check/ grammar checker in Microsoft Word to check the accuracy of her sentences and spelling, before transferring her information into the code format. But it’s evident that she didn’t, as there are a lot of spelling mistakes throughout her webpage.
Design Principles/Elements
With an overpowering amount of colours, fonts and flashing buttons, Ling has destroyed almost all the guidelines governing website designing. There is no constant professional theme flowing through her website pages. There was a misuse of fonts, as there are at least 10 different fonts on one page at a time. It occurred to me that there were sans serif and serif typefaces. The legibility of serif fonts is not as good as sans serif, because they have small flicks at the end of each letter, which isn’t ideal because computer screens can sometimes display the letters improperly, and it’s just unnecessary detail which is better left for typography. Readability of the text/information varies depending on what type of font Ling has used. There also seems to be a lot of text that has been "painted" with software called, "Paint."
At least the font alignment was all aligned to the left which was partially effective. The balance of the page was all over the place because a lot of the pictures and text were not in line in each of her three columns. There was no hierarchy with the headings and titles, Ling scattered different sized fonts in random places.
In some instances the black fonts were contrasted with a white background, but in many other instances, the fonts just flash brightly in my face as some of them are flash images displaying text information. These font design techniques were obviously not effective. The amount of flashing text and bright colours used in the web site, resemble that of a three year olds drawing. It was a horrible experience looking at Lings Website, because her text and images were too distracting as they were unorganized, resulting in an ineffective website.
Ling has an impeccable amount of images all crammed on her main page. Even though she is a car dealer she has irrelevant photos of very eccentric things. It looks like she 's used a lot of .png (Portable Network Graphics) which are useful because the pictures can be compressed up to about 25% more than a .jpg file and this would be an efficient use of file space and storage. Ling also seems to have used a lot of .gif (Graphic Interchange Format) pictures because .gif files are able to process simple images into animation. There are a lot of changing pictures on her webpage that are simple and don’t have many colours so I assume they are .gif.
Her images of cars are an advantage because customers will be able to identify what type of car they want. All her cars are in close proximity with the car information, which enhances a customer’s motivation to further investigate the cars details. Her images seem high resolution, so they must be reasonably sized or else they 'd be pixelated.
Holistically, the standards and conventions of Lings Website are very low and resemble that of a five year olds drawing. Every time I clicked on this page in the library, the librarians became suspicious and assumed I was playing a game or scouring the spam infested websites of the internet. This was because of the flashing images, bright colours and horrible design layout.
The purple buttons here flash which indicates they could be flash animation or simply .gif files.
Taken on the 22/03/2013
The purple buttons here flash which indicates they could be flash animation or simply .gif files.
Taken on the 22/03/2013
Legal, Ethical and Moral Considerations
Here is a screenshot on the Home Page of Lings website; a quote which could be offensive.
Taken 25/03/2013 from https://www.lingscars.com
Here is a screenshot on the Home Page of Lings website; a quote which could be offensive.
Taken 25/03/2013 from https://www.lingscars.com
When creating a DMO, the business Lings Cars, should take into consideration the potential effects of the DMO on other people in the community. These are called Social Implications. Since Lings Cars website incorporates a lot of Ling’s personality and "humour" in it, I think there would be a few negative Social Implications. One thing I realize with this website is that there are a lot of Lings quotes with connotations to show a “Stereotypical Chinese". She showed this through deliberately writing “wrong” sentence phrases (for example, "Play Stupid Crash Game," “I am full-time Lings CARS business owner,”) to sound Illiterate. Although she is perfectly capable of stringing together a "Privacy Statement" and "Terms and Conditions" so I can see it’s supposed to be a joke. Chinese people might not appreciate these jokes and be offended by it, meaning she hasn 't been thinking of the wider community. Another quote on Ling’s page states that “Other Privacy Policies mean absolutely nothing and are full of shit!” Business owners other than her would be offended by this claim because it 's implying that any other Privacy Policy is simply shit. This indicates that she doesn 't really care about the "wider community 's" feelings, so this is another negative Social Implication. Unsurprisingly, there were more deliberate insults from Ling, towards others. One of her insults included “Herman Von Rompuy” – the President of the European Council. Whilst scouring over every line of HTML, I found a part stating, “EU cookie law. Piss off Von Rumpy. Me... I hammer visitors to death with cookies, so I can find out what they want. The EU cookie law is an ass.” In conclusion of Lings Social Implications, I don’t think any of Ling’s priorities were to keep all groups of people in the community, happy. Political or not, with these few examples of her shrewd nature displayed on her website, it’s evident that Ling hasn’t thought about the impact of her work on the wider community groups.
Here’s a screenshot of Lings Statement about Privacy Policies at the bottom of the page of her Privacy Policy.
Taken 28/02/2013 from https://www.lingscars.com/privacy.php
Here’s a screenshot of Lings Statement about Privacy Policies at the bottom of the page of her Privacy Policy.
Taken 28/02/2013 from https://www.lingscars.com/privacy.php
Since Lings website is advertising and offering great cheap deals, the customers would have to rely on her website to be promoting legitimate information about the car rental prices and business as a whole. Ling displays her Company Registration Number which confirms that her company is legit. We also come across images of newspaper clippings that recognize Lings Cars as an award winning company. Also, her website identity has been confirmed and certified by Geo Trust, which means that it carries secure, trustworthy information online to and from customers. This reassures that the Privacy of customers shopping on that website is kept safe, so credit card numbers and personal details aren’t passed on to third parties (such as other websites). It would be unethical for Lings Cars to pass on customer information but be aware that it does happen in some instances.
This relates back to the 1986 Fair Trading Act which states that it 's illegal to make false claims about a service. There is evidence on this website that proves Lings Business is a real company, and that it 's trustworthy. With the amount of prestige and popularity this company carries, it 'd be hard to believe they 'd scam/overcharge people or disobey the regulations surrounding the Fair Trading Act.
Logos, text, images and design were all developed by the business. It occurred to me that Lings Cars had taken precautions to protect their personal works by placing a Copyright Symbol in the footer of all the websites pages with the Company name following. Under the 1994 Copyright Act, a piece of work is copyrighted from the moment it 's created. The piece of work remains under Copyright for fifty years AFTER the developer dies, which means every piece of information displayed on that website is subject to Copyright as it is owned by that business only. With this, other people are prevented from being able to steal the work and claim it as their own. It is possible for outside parties to access and use the images/information if the Copyright Holder grants them permission. This requires them to contact the Copyright Holder and request for a License to partially own the piece of work and use it as their own. If it 's near impossible to contact the original owner then it 's best not to use the piece of work, but if it 's absolutely necessary then there should always be a reference to the source of information and where it came from. Having said that, it is illegal to claim work as our own when it 's not our own, and is protected by Copyright. By not obeying Copyright Laws there is a possibility of imprisonment and fines.
Bibliography; Zype Education Resources – Web Design HTML5 & CSS3,
Instant Education Solutions – Technology, Digital Technology 2.42 Chapter 1 & 2, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_law_of_New_Zealand, http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_intro.asp and http://www.quackit.com/css/codes/css_floating_menu.cfm
Hells Pizzas - Brochure
Purpose of the DMO
Hells Pizza is using a brochure to promote their new low price offers on their meals. By doing this they are striving to increase the potential customer range that might demand a meal at their restaurant. Information on the pizzas is available across a tri folded brochure on both the inside and outside of the outcome. Also, their brochure was designed by a professional third-party company called Inject Design, so I 'll be referring to them as the creator of parts of this digital media outcome, and Hells Pizza as the source of image/information provider.
Target Audience
Since Hells Pizza Franchises are located in highly populated places (e.g. towns and cities) the target audience will have to be located in the same towns and cities. Hells Pizzas target audience are probably mainly the Anti – Christ, as evidenced in the business name, “Hell’s Pizzas” and the meal names such as, “Damned... Underworld... Purgatory."
Advanced Tools and Techniques
Technique 1 (Bleed)
Bleed is a technique of design and layout, so I 'll be referring to Inject as the mastermind behind this advanced technique. On every fold of the brochures pages, the background element extends beyond the trim edge leaving the page without a margin. By doing this they are extending the amount of space used on the page, and leave no original paper colour on their document. This is called Bleeding and allows photos and other text elements to bleed off the page and outside of the margin that 's usually specified as a default setting. I identified this technique by noticing the margin boundaries had been broken and content was able to flow off the edges.
Inject could have created the bleed in Adobe InDesign by choosing File>Document Setup>More Options>Bleed and Slug. It is then possible to type in a sufficient amount of bleed, and this ensures that objects can now bleed off the page, these are called Bleed Guidelines. These aren 't necessary. Bleed Guidelines aren 't required to make objects bleed. It 's probably easier for Inject to extend objects onto the pasteboard. It 's hassle free and takes less time. But for precise measurements guidelines are recommended. Since this technique is very common, it 's possible to do with a lot of other software’s but for different purposes like Photoshop and Illustrator.
An advantage of bleeding the background colour is that strips of white paper won 't be showing down the edge of the document, because the background has been extended beyond the sides and will reduce the risk of this white paper incident happening.
But economically, bleeding objects off the page mightn 't be a good idea; it uses up more ink than without bleed, so production costs for the brochure would increase. However without the use of bleeding, the quality of the brochure could affect the customer’s attitude towards purchasing Hells Pizzas meals.
In conclusion bleed is a useful reasonable technique to use and enhance the design more so than create proficient productivity costs. Had bleed not been used, effectiveness of the theme and layout would have been ruined and it wouldn 't be as high quality as it currently is. Also the black background portrays the hellish theme and contrasts with the other items on the page, making the design very effective.
Technique 2 (Path Text Tool)
Since contents and information legitimately belong to Hells Pizza, I 'll be referring to them as the creators of this image. On the back part of the brochure there is a picture of a spider on a web, promoting "Free Stuff ONLINE EVERY TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY." I can acknowledge that they 've used an advanced technique to type text around the picture; it looks as if the text has been typed on a path, and this could have been accomplished with the use of Adobe Photoshop. The picture has a flat surface area and consists of only three colours, light white, red and black. So the file may have been saved as a .gif file (graphics interchange format). GIF images contain limited colours and are well suited for simple images such as this spider one, they have the ability to compress very well which would also be good for file management and storage. The purpose of typing on a path would be to create a sense of good design and structure by following the contours of the edge of the spiders circle. By typing on a path Hells Pizzas have possibly also saved space that otherwise would have been used up. Typing on a path is effective and demonstrates an unusual/original touch to the brochure which draws attention to the eccentric theme that Hells Pizza is striving to achieve.
To type on a path Hells Pizza could have used a Shape or Customized Drawing Tool and created a circle for the outline of the circle (path), and proceeded to use the type tool and then click on the path, so they can type out, "Web Specials." On the bottom it looks like they 've halved the font size of two words and put one on top of another, but the format of the text still follows the circular flow set out for it. The rest of the text around the circle is also structured so that it follows the circles outline. Also they could have just inserted the image and drawn the path they desire, and go from there.
I identified this technique when I saw the text wrapped around the spider web, as if it were trapped in a circle, since all the words were bending around. Also I 'm not familiar with any other techniques that could have been used to achieve this, so type on a path was the only conclusion I could come up with. The only similar techniques that could have been used to create this image would be... another technique by the same name (Type Path Text) but using different software called Illustrator CS3.
Asset and File Management
Operating systems usually provide users with the ability to create and manage folders on their computer. Separate folder structures may have been used to store groups of specific contents for the brochure. For example, images and borders could have been stored under a folder with the appropriate name, and menu items could have been put in another. Each folder would contain similar contents therefore it increases efficiency as navigation to each piece of information is less time consuming/confusing. To reduce the amount of space being used up on the hard disk drive, Hells Pizzas may have compressed the folder after putting the files into it. The image types would better suit .gif as it is a lossless format which allows a lot of compression without losing quality of the picture.
Standards & Conventions - Design Principles & Elements
Since Standards, Conventions, Design Principles and Elements are part of design, Inject Design would have managed this part of the brochure creation.
Text on the inner half of the brochure seems to be grouped, which indicates the menu meals are in separate text boxes. A clear use of hierarchy has also been used with the laying out of contents on the inner part of the brochure. Hierarchy contributes to readability as the customer can easily comprehend which text falls under which heading. Inject placed a header, sub header and body for each type of menu. Pizza Slices, Standard Pizza, Gourmet Pizza etc... being the Headers. Sub Headers are the names of the meals, and the body is the ingredients that go into the meal. Each sub header and body is in different text boxes which are aligned at an equal height so the layout is effective. There 's format proximity between the heading and text box. By laying the
text boxes out this way, Inject maintains a certain style throughout the brochure, resulting in clear readability.
Thematically, Inject have done a good job with the contrasting of white/red text on a black background. Ideally these colours are juxtaposed with the background making it easier for people to read the print. All these colours have connotations with hell, dark, gothic and Satanism. There is also texture applied to the fonts which makes it stand out even more.
Bold headings also stand out and there are two main font types so it doesn 't over kill font usage. Repetition of fonts and styles continued to enhance the effectiveness of Hells Pizzas Brochure, and created a visual flow and design cohesiveness. Line spaces between the texts creates a spacious feeling reducing cluttered text, this also helps increase readability.
Inject have created a stunning brochure which has no unnecessary distractions from the purpose and design it has.
Despite the Path Text Tool possibly being used in Adobe Photoshop, and the Bleed possibly being used in Adobe InDesign, I disagree with the fact that this brochure was laid out and created in either of these programs. There are techniques used in this brochure that I 'm unfamiliar with, and I 'm reasonably familiar with operating Adobe InDesign. For example, the text type used in the brochure isn 't in the text choices in InDesign or Photoshop so it would have been downloaded externally or personally created by Inject.
On the back cover in the middle, the spider picture has text surrounding it. Some text is positioned differently, as there is vertical text and horizontal text, all of which revolves around the spider in the middle. I 've never seen this technique being used in InDesign.
There are symbols used that aren 't readily available, and they are in the same style that the text is in, gory. It 's hard to fathom that the brochure was fully created in software such as InDesign or Photoshop; maybe a more advanced program could accommodate the creation of the really advanced techniques used in the brochure. Although, there 's a possibility that some contents could have been made in external application software and imported into Adobe InDesign for print.
Data Integrity and Testing Procedures
Both Hells Pizzas and Inject are stakeholders in the creation of this brochure so both will have tested the outcome and used data integrity. Data integrity is the validity and safety of the data. Human errors, hardware malfunctions and natural disasters are threats to data integrity. Because Hells Pizzas brochure was made on a computer and then printed, their input and computers are possible risks to data integrity as humans and computers are able to make mistakes.
To reduce these mistakes it 's suitable for them to keep regular backups of their contents, and possibly have two copies in different places (e.g. on - site and off - site.) Images and content could be tampered with by unauthorized people so it 's beneficial if Hells Pizzas controlled and limited access to the files by using security such as passwords on the computers and folders that contain the contents. Also, by getting a professional company to design the brochure, there is a hopeful decrease in human error since experts are creating the output, and not random employees.
Legal, Ethical and Moral Considerations
Hells Pizzas brochures carry a "devilish" theme which incorporates the use of words and images associated with Satan. This is shown on the front page, "Welcome To Hell, Home of the Seven Deadly Sins." By distributing the brochures out to the public through letter boxes, they are risking offending members of the community who are religious. These are called Social Implications. Hells Pizzas should have taken the wider communities feelings into account before handing the brochures out. Christians and people in general may not support the concept of advertising Hell as a restaurant so they 'd most likely not go. Attitudes like this from the public could threaten the success of the business, as offended people may influence others not to go to Hells Pizza either. Morally, Hells Pizzas should consider everybody’s feelings toward Christianity and be more careful when handing their brochures out. Other than the gruesome nature of the Hells Pizza brochure, there are no other Social Implications that would largely affect the wider community’s feelings.
Customers intending to go to Hells Pizza would have to trust the legitimacy of the content displayed on the brochure.
Prices and deals promoted on the brochure should be upheld in - store. Although there is a small footer at the bottom of the back page which warns that, "All prices & times were correct when we inscribed this menu in March 2013. Prices & Times may vary without notice." By stating this, they are indicating that their prices and times may change, so the reliability of the information displayed on the brochure is very low as Hells Pizzas have informed the customer that prices may change unexpectedly. But since they stated that prices may change, Hells Pizza are not infringing on the 1986 Fair Trading Act which states that it 's illegal to make false claims about a service. The small script is always the most important part to read. Another thing I should point out is that Hells Pizza claims that they have Gluten Free products. Yet, on the back of the brochure there 's another warning saying that, "Gluten Free Products are prepared on the same premises as flour products," which reinforces the fact that gluten free products may have gluten in them. So if there was flour in a gluten free product, they won 't be held responsible because there was a warning on the brochure, therefore Hells Pizzas are still obliging to the Fair Trading
Images and design were all created by a third party web design company called Inject Design. Being experts in areas of web design and digital media outcomes, I 'm confident that they can deal with Copyright Laws surrounding the creation of the brochure. In Injects Terms and Conditions document under Section 11.1 Inject states that "We do not transfer any ownership rights in the Deliverables*1, and that we reserve all rights not expressly granted." Hence the design concepts belong to Inject, and not Hells Pizza. Also under Section 11.7, Inject refer to the Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright Laws, and reassure the client (Hells Pizza) that the Material (Brochure images/text/logo) provided by Hells Pizza for design may not infringe on any of these two things. If these laws/rights are imposed on then Inject will be indemnified and Hells Pizza will be required to take full responsibility. Similarly in Section 10.1 under Hells Pizzas Terms and Conditions, they state that "All right, title and interest in Intellectual Property in all concepts, systems, written, graphic and other material relating to the HELL website, the Hell brand, promotional items and its contents is owned by and shall at all times remain the exclusive property of HELL, its licensors... is protected by New Zealand and international Law." Clearly nobody is allowed to use the information provided in their brochure or website without the consequences being rather drastic.
In a tiny font at the back of the brochure there is also a logo claiming "All Wrongs Reserved," which is meant to be "Rights" but seeming there is a devil theme... they decided to be a bit rebellious. Any who, the phrase relates to Hells Pizza reserving the rights to distribute the finished product (brochure, website, pamphlet etc...), but Inject still own the source (production process) part of the digital media outcomes.
Bibliography; http://helpx.adobe.com/indesign/using/threading-text.html, http://www.injectdesign.co.nz/sites/default/files/termsconditions2011.pdf, http://hellpizza.com/nz/about/terms-and-conditions, http://blog.spoongraphics.co.uk/tutorials/designing-for-print-setting-up-crops-and-bleed, NZ - 04/03/2013 Hells Pizza Brochure,