Transitional organisms between the equivalent ranks needed a better system of classification. Therefore, the Cladistic’s taxonomy approach of classifying organisms was developed and is most commonly used today for phylogenetic analysis. Cladograms can be created for any group of organisms. Cladistics gives scientists unambiguous, objective classifications, and is now a widely accepted method of classification. In this system, evolutionary biologists organize species on a cladogram, which is a branching diagram. Each branch represents an evolutionary linage with the names of the specific taxa at the end of the
Transitional organisms between the equivalent ranks needed a better system of classification. Therefore, the Cladistic’s taxonomy approach of classifying organisms was developed and is most commonly used today for phylogenetic analysis. Cladograms can be created for any group of organisms. Cladistics gives scientists unambiguous, objective classifications, and is now a widely accepted method of classification. In this system, evolutionary biologists organize species on a cladogram, which is a branching diagram. Each branch represents an evolutionary linage with the names of the specific taxa at the end of the