June 13, 2013
GOVT 2302
The Governor and Bureaucracy In Texas Assignment
Governor Rick Perry Vetoed HB 217:
The HB 217 related to the types of beverages that may be sold at public school campuses. The Publics schools could only sell the following: (1) water, (2) milk with a fat content of one percent or less, (3) fluid milk substitutions permitted by the United States Department of Agriculture under 7 C.F.R. Section 210, (4) 100 percent vegetable juice, (5) 100 percent fruit juice, (6) zero-calorie electrolyte replace or zero-calorie vitamin enhanced water beverage, or (7) an electrolyte replacement beverage other than one described by Subdivision (6), but only if the electrolyte replacement beverage is provided at the discretion of a coach to students engaged in vigorous physical activity lasting at least one hour. However the previous subsections don’t apply if: (1) if school is not in session, (2) before the beginning of the breakfast period, or (3) or at the end of the last period of the day. Governor Rick Perry vetoed HB 217 simply because he did not agree with it. He felt that the House was going a little bit to far on the limitations of what should be sold at public schools. He agreed that he too believes in the health of the youth, but these limitations were pushing it. He explained, “House Bill 217 takes this effort to an unreasonable and unnecessary extreme, and would limit access to such innocuous beverages as two percent milk.” I completely agree with Perry. I think that these limitations are a bit too extreme. Yes, I do believe in the health of the youth. However, kids should be able to drink whatever milk they want. If they want to drink soda they should be able to drink soda. I just think the HB is going too far.
Governor Rick Perry Vetoed SB 504:
Senate Bill 504 was concerned with eliminating the requirement that certain schoolchildren be screened for abnormal spinal curvature. Perry disapproved of the bill
Cited: Office of the Governor Rick Perry. (2013). Austin, Texas. http://governor.state.tx.us/news/veto/18663/.