1. What is free software? List three characteristics of free software. Free software is free to obtain, use and change.
2. Why is Linux popular? Why is it popular in academia? Linux is portable, is based on standards, is written in C, has a kernel programming interface, can support many users
3. What are multiuser systems? Why are they successful? A multiuser system is a system designed for multiple user input and output.
4. What is the Free Software Foundation/GNU? What is Linux? Which parts of the Linux operating system did each provide? Who else has helped build and refine this operating system? Organizational sponsor of the GNU Project.
Linux is the name of the operating system kernel developed by Linus Torvalds, which has since been expanded and improved by thousands of people on the Internet.
5. In which language is Linux written? What does the language have to do with the success of Linux? The C programing language
6. What is a utility program? A command; performs a task that is frequently related to the operating system.
7. What is a shell? How does it work with the kernel? With the user? A shell is a type of command prompt, it sends commands from the user to the kernel
8. How can you use utility programs and a shell to create your own applications? You can write a shell script, also called a shell program. Make the file executable and give the name of the file as a command. The shell then executes the commands in the file as though you had typed each command individually.
9. Why is the Linux file system referred to as hierarchical? Because the file system formats files in the shape of trees
10. What is the difference between a multiprocessor and a multiprocessing system? Multiprocessor refers to a system with two or more processors or CPUs.
Multiprocessing refers to a system that can process one or more tasks at a time
11. Give an example of when you would want to use a multiprocessing system. In a school