This paper argues that Linux has not only emerged as a competitor to both Microsoft Windows and Macintosh operating systems, but is a better choice. The popularity of Linux has grown noticeably, with a recent surge in the use and adoption of Linux operating system by individuals and organizations across the world. I have examined various factors, including code accessibility, cost concerns, security issues, distrust of monopolies, functionality and features, applications, support, and ease of use and quality, to conclude that Linux is indeed a better choice. It is now tenable to say that Linux has not only emerged as the new threat to Microsoft and Apple in developing markets, but will soon surpass them and become the incumbent operating system of choice.
Linux, the Operating System of Choice In recent years, the global marketplace has witnessed an enormous rise in the use of computers, and ultimately the software used in them. Computers have principally made their mark in almost all the spheres of mankind (Kirby, 2000), and with this growth the software requirements for them have also grown at an exponential rate (Kumbhar et al., 2011). With this capacious rise of the computer industry, new software products keep creeping into the market, adding more capabilities as well as complexities to the assiduous and conscientious end users. Now more than ever before, customers or end users have a wide range of software options available at their disposal which can be used for their requirements and/or business purposes (Lone & Wani, 2011). As acknowledged by Kumbhar et al (2011), the development of high quality software has followed two main trajectories, namely open source and closed source software. A recent trend in the field of software is the open source genre, and it can justifiably be said that the Linux operating system has become the embodiment of this genre (Kirby, 2000). This paper
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