The zebra looked up. Spotting the lioness, it ran. Having the head start was the difference between life and death for the zebra, as the lioness has rapid acceleration. However the zebra’s stamina made his chances a little better. The lioness now having lost the element of surprise bolted after the fleeing zebra.
Disaster for the zebra. Its small hoofs make it almost impossible to run on soggy ground. The zebra tried to back heel the advancing lioness but missed. The terrain steadily gets soggier until the zebra is in a lake. Saturated terrain is not much of a hindrance for the lioness as it has large paws and is much lighter. She sees her chance. After the failed attack on her the zebra was a little off balance. She pounced. Her enormous teeth pierced the zebra’s skin blood trickled down the zebra’s body.
When all seemed over the zebra fought on. The surprised lioness wasn’t expecting this. In the muddy lake the two animals struggled and the zebra got the upper hand. The lioness might have its jaws around him but the zebra pushed the lionesses head under the water. After a minute of thrashing around, the bubbles in the water