culture (specifically, investment banks, hedge funds, private equity firms) was to determine its role in reshaping corporate America and how that reshaping affects market formations. Ho takes a really interesting take on participant observation, first of all. Bronislaw Malinowski simply participated in the New Guinea Argonaut culture by moving to their villages. To participate in the culture of her subject, Ho simply had to get a job where they also worked. It shows how much the discipline has changed in a century. Anyways, at the core of the book, she is seeking to answer how experiences shape the actions of those working on Wall St., and how those actions culturally produce what she calls a “financially dominant, though highly unstable capitalism.” Her methodology for deciphering Wall St. culture was to conduct extensive interviews with investment bankers, shadowing, and observing industry
culture (specifically, investment banks, hedge funds, private equity firms) was to determine its role in reshaping corporate America and how that reshaping affects market formations. Ho takes a really interesting take on participant observation, first of all. Bronislaw Malinowski simply participated in the New Guinea Argonaut culture by moving to their villages. To participate in the culture of her subject, Ho simply had to get a job where they also worked. It shows how much the discipline has changed in a century. Anyways, at the core of the book, she is seeking to answer how experiences shape the actions of those working on Wall St., and how those actions culturally produce what she calls a “financially dominant, though highly unstable capitalism.” Her methodology for deciphering Wall St. culture was to conduct extensive interviews with investment bankers, shadowing, and observing industry