This concept, however, can be said about any task or production. There are many work-heavy goods in the world from every stitch of the clothes on your backs to the pages of coding allowing me to even write this paper digitally. The end credits of movies are populated with the names of all of the people behind the work. After reading this paper, I was less enlightened about this concept than ever. Another aspect I do not agree with in this paper is the many references to Sigmund Freud’s studies. Sigmund Freud, although influential to many concepts, is no longer a credible source for a scholarly paper because of the many inaccuracies in his works. I recommend including the concepts of other theorists and researchers to add to his claims to further support the thesis. There are many recent sources and concepts to include along with the well-known ideas of Sigmund Freud. This reading would be more effective in supporting its thesis by including more sources other than Sigmund Freud, being less wordy and more straight-to-the-point with concepts, and lessen how repetitive phrases and ideas are. The appreciation and emphasis on the manpower behind animated films is a widely relatable concept applicable to many other systems other than
This concept, however, can be said about any task or production. There are many work-heavy goods in the world from every stitch of the clothes on your backs to the pages of coding allowing me to even write this paper digitally. The end credits of movies are populated with the names of all of the people behind the work. After reading this paper, I was less enlightened about this concept than ever. Another aspect I do not agree with in this paper is the many references to Sigmund Freud’s studies. Sigmund Freud, although influential to many concepts, is no longer a credible source for a scholarly paper because of the many inaccuracies in his works. I recommend including the concepts of other theorists and researchers to add to his claims to further support the thesis. There are many recent sources and concepts to include along with the well-known ideas of Sigmund Freud. This reading would be more effective in supporting its thesis by including more sources other than Sigmund Freud, being less wordy and more straight-to-the-point with concepts, and lessen how repetitive phrases and ideas are. The appreciation and emphasis on the manpower behind animated films is a widely relatable concept applicable to many other systems other than