Once you are prepared, use the My Dispositions Target (Figure 2.1) from your text to organize and record the initial analysis of your dispositions. This document should be placed as an attachment to your discussion response. To include the document as an attachment, locate the attachment feature in the bottom left-hand corner of the discussion response box.
In your response:
• Describe which of these dispositions (as well as those noted in Chapter 10) you already exhibit on a regular basis. When working with toddlers myself and my co-worker use several of these dispositions listed in Chapter 10. For instance
• Based on the discussion of career options in Chapter 10, identify …show more content…
Which of these dispositions are already evident in your demeanor?
Do you believe these characteristics are part of who you are by virtue of birth or of experience?
Are some dispositions still emerging, or needing to emerge?
Because of the strong connection between dispositions and teaching styles, it is desirable forindividuals in the midst of becoming teachers to reflect and develop self-awareness of their owndispositions (Wadlington & Wadlington, 2011). As you complete this course and continue withother education courses, think about targeting some of the desirable dispositions as goals for yourongoing professional development. Use the My Dispositions Target (Figure 2.1) to record yourinitial analysis of your dispositions.
Many factors, other than desirable dispositions, are associated with learning how to successfully teach young children. The general public'sbelief that no specialized training is necessary to work with young children is simply a misconception. Research data has supported the positionthat teachers with specialized training and education in early childhood education is one of the more important factors in determining programquality for young children (NAECTE, 2008). Experts in the field of early childhood education rely on professional organizations for leadership indetermining what novice early childhood teachers