Section 1 1 A
2 C
3 D
4 D
5 C
6 Prescott (must be correct spelling with capital “P”)
7 41
8 Fountain (must have capital “F”)
9 752239
10 £65
Section 2
11 E
12 F
13 H
14 $250 million
15 roads//road system
16 too late
17 school children//boys
18 3
19 boats//pleasure crafty/boats and pleasure craft
20 pilot
21 (musical) instruments
Section 3
22 A
23 B
24 C
25 A
26 talk//give a talk
27 write up work
28 can choose
29 open book
30 closed reserve
31 vocational (subjects)//(preparing for) work/employment Section 4
32 B
33 C
34 history and economics
35 (meeting) deadlines (for essays)
36 attendance
37 B
38 C
39 B
40 D
41 A
in any order
Answer keys
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Questions 1-8
Questions 9-15
Suggested approach
• Read the task rubric carefully. In this task you have to decide which match is being described in each question.
• Decide what information is best to skim for in the passage: the type of match or the description. In this question it is best to skim for the types of match as these are names, some of which are in italics, they are easier for you to pick out.
• Skim through the text until you find match A, the Ethereal Match.
• Read that section of the text and underline any important features of this match.
• Read through the descriptions and write A next to any that fit this type of match.
If you think there is more than one possible description for the match, note A next to both.
(The rubric states that you may use any match more than once. )
• Towards the top of the second page of the text it states that the Ethereal Match consisted of a
“sealed glass tube”, so A is the answer to question 14. Note that the description is expressed differently from the text. Sometimes you have to match the meaning rather than the words. • If you think none of the descriptions