Students with significant disabilities have always had barriers in receiving the same education as their non-disabled peers. They do not learn the same or at the same pace. These students have been pushed to the side and taught in self-contained classrooms at a slower pace with repeated instruction. The premise of this review is to find age appropriate literacy programs that meet these students emergent literacy needs to develop functional literacy skills. The propositions of the above theories suggest using visuals (pictures combined with text) to develop communication and reading skills using whole language (Goodman & King, 1990). The theories are also imbedded in technology using multi-media (visuals combined with animation and sound) to enhance literacy learning at student individual pace, easily enlarge text for students with visual impairments, and the volume can also be turned up for students with hearing impairments (Fox, 1983).
Multimedia Literacy Programs
Program Development
Boon, Fore, Lawson, and Martin (2007) discussed the use of curriculum-based measurements (CBM) on the academic achievement for students with mild disabilities. The purpose of the article is to examine the impact of curriculum-based measurement as it relates to reading and writing instruction for students with disabilities. CBM is a standardized methodology for measuring academic performance and was developed to address the effectiveness of a special education intervention model referred to as data-based modification. CBM assessment involves 5 steps for usage that include; identifying a student’s long rang performance goals, creating a pool of test items from the students curriculum, regularly and frequently measuring pupil performance, graphing data, and analyzing results to make instructional decisions. CBM results can help in identifying problems that warrant future investigations for the students in the classroom. The following authors
References: An overview of the techniques used to develop the literacy skills of adolescents with developmental delays. Lisa Anne Rizopoulos and Gloria Wolpert. Education. 125.1 (Fall 2004) p130. CBM and students with mild disabilities Literacy instruction, technology, and students with learning disabilities: research we have, research we need. Donald D. Deshler and Michael J. Kennedy. Learning Disability Quarterly. 33.4 (Fall 2010) p289. Online instructional materials for students with disabilities: does it work?. Jeanine L. Wilson, Sally Berkowitz, Corina Bullock, Candace Cockrell, Lisa M. Rodriguez, and Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie. International Journal of Education. 4.3 (Sept. 2012) p12.