10 February 2014
Sketching My Life Many people have this misconceived conception of what literacy is. I, myself, used to believe that literacy was only the ability to read. I was wrong. I have learned another very important sense of literacy. Drawing. Literacy is about being able to comprehend and interpret different "languages". What is meant by different languages is unknown terms to the common ear for certain hobbies, a way of communicating and learning new things. Drawing just seemed so simple and comprehendible to me when other pieces of literacy were not so easy. Literacy is a tactic used to discover a way to learn that best suits your ability. I am a college freshman and I feel that my literacy is still evolving. Drawing has changed my life, forever, as it will continue to do so. As I will demonstrate through this autobiography of my literacy, experiences gained through the process of “growing up” really do help build a person’s identity. My earliest memory of literacy was spending time as a young, curious child, with a crayon or colored pencil, drawing colorful little scribbles all over anything that was acceptable to draw on. This “thing” seemed so natural to me that it struck a huge interest in my young mind. Although, I did not yet understand the scribbles, I just felt deep down in my heart that I was meant to draw. I loved drawing. In fact, I still do. I don't really remember very many details about the scribbles that were left on the canvas once I placed my drawing utensil on it. I can infer that drawing left such an impression on me that it was the beginning of my interest in becoming literate. Entertaining myself through use of imagination and drawing was certainly the correct place to start, for me. This brings me to another point, growing up. As a child, I was taught to color in the lines. I began attempting to imitate those lines that I was supposed to be coloring in. This was the most important point to becoming