Student ID : 1103059
Subject: Language and Literacy
Essay title: Literacy and Numeracy are seen as essential, cross-curricular skills. Identify the place of literacy in the Scottish primary curriculum and then at greater length, explore how grounding in literacy skills will facilitate in other curriculum areas in delivering the Curriculum for Excellence.
Word Count: 1912
The curriculum for excellence is organised into eight subject areas: Expressive Arts, Health and Wellbeing, Languages, Mathematics, Religious and Moral Education, Sciences, Social Studies, and Technologies. The Scottish primary curriculum recognises the importance of each of these subjects . However, literacy is seen as fundamental as it “unlocks access to the wider curriculum” ( Curriculum for excellence: Literacy across learning principles and practice). Literacy is organised into three strands: reading , writing and talking and listening. From my school placement experience, and personal reading I will discuss how grounding in each of these literacy strands can help facilitate children in their knowledge acquisition, and understanding of other curriculum areas.
The curriculum for excellence defines literacy as a “set of skills which allows an individual to engage fully in society and in learning through the different forms of language, and the range of texts which society values and finds useful” Within the curriculum literacy is organised into three strands: reading, writing and talking and listening.
Reading is a skill which can greatly help children in all curriculum areas. However, it is essential that children foster a positive attitude towards reading from the early stages, in order for this to occur. “For the youngest children, well before the age of five, sharing and enjoying favourite books regularly with trusted adults, be they parents, carers, practitioners or teachers, is at the heart of this
References: Adams, B.(2000). Helping Students Become Motivated Learners. NDT Resource Center. Online article available at: [Accessed on 9th March 2013] Clark, C. and Rumbold, K. (2006) Reading for pleasure: A research overview. National Literacy Trust Csikszentmihalyi, M (1998). Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagementwith Everyday Life. New York Basic Books. P.26 Curriculum for excellence: Literacy across learning principles and practice. HEWISON, J., and TIZARD, J. (15180). Parental involvement and reading attainment. Br. J. educ. Psychol., 50. 209-215 Premars, T. and Willars. S. (2002). THE IFA/UNESCO SCHOOL LIBRARY GUIDELINES. P.3 Petty, G. (2009. Teaching Today: A PRACTICAL GUIDE. Published by Nelson Thornes Ltd. 4th edition p12 Prozesky, D. (2000). Communication and Effective Teaching. Available at: [Accessed on 7th March 2013] Rose,J (2006) Independent review of the teaching of early reading p 3. Warner, M. (2012) Fantastic Mr Fox. Teaching ideas. Available at: [ Accessed on 10th March 2013]