Jin Wang becoming Danny; Monkey King becoming The Great Sage, Equal of Heaven; and the Monkey King’s son becoming Chei Wang. The problem was accepting who they were created to be. When they weren’t accepted with who they were, they tried to change who they were. They wanted to fit into society. Then towards the end of the book we see that they realize their mistake and the characters attempt to embrace who they are. It took the Monkey King five hundred years to finally accepted how great it is to be a monkey. It took till Chin-Kee showed himself as the Monkey for Jin Wang to embrace his Asian culture and apologize to Wei
Jin Wang becoming Danny; Monkey King becoming The Great Sage, Equal of Heaven; and the Monkey King’s son becoming Chei Wang. The problem was accepting who they were created to be. When they weren’t accepted with who they were, they tried to change who they were. They wanted to fit into society. Then towards the end of the book we see that they realize their mistake and the characters attempt to embrace who they are. It took the Monkey King five hundred years to finally accepted how great it is to be a monkey. It took till Chin-Kee showed himself as the Monkey for Jin Wang to embrace his Asian culture and apologize to Wei