“Will you buy my hair?” In the story “The Gift of Magi” two loved ones are in a scramble to find money to buy their loved ones a gift, they each sell their most valuable possession to gain money. The author creates the theme that when two people are in love people will give up anything for their loved ones.
In the story the author uses the characters dialogue to prove the theme, for example when Della’s husband came home Della said “Don’t look at me that way I cut off my hair and sold it because I couldn’t have lived through Christmas without giving you a present.” This shows love for her husband because her hair was her most prized possession and she sold just to gain a little money to buy Tim a small gift. Another example of this is when she says “Maybe someone could count the strands of my hair, but nobody could ever count my love for you.” This also proves the theme because she shows that even though she gave up her hair, she does not care because it was worth it. …show more content…
Another example of this theme is when tim says “I sold my watch to buy you a Christmas gift.” This shows the theme in a way like the other, this quote is just proving that more than a few people will give up anything for their loved