Advertising is seen as an advantage to today’s society because it helps people learn and can even help people who are in need. In source A, lives can be saved because people saw the advertisement about the American Red Cross. Information referring to the American Red Cross was given to the people through an advertisement to inform people that their donation will be able to save the lives of many. By creating this poster it allows people to more become aware of what they can do to help and motivates them to donate. Also advertising informs citizens about what is happening politically. The ways of advertising "informs us about candidates running for office" (source D). The use of advertising allows citizens to become informed about politics so they are not completely clueless on what’s going on. People will know what politicians are doing and will be fully informed on what’s happening.
However, advertising can cause chaos to society because it urges people to buy unnecessary items that only companies can benefit from. Their desire to sell is powered by the greed of wanting more money. Advertising "create unfulfilled desires and they push us to buy the products that we do not need" (source F). Also, that "desire for profit and the appeal for a "healthy economy" has led many companies and governments to put aside the necessary moral responsibilities in the age of the global market" (source F). Companies give advertisements of car models for rich purposes, but most people do not need many cars. The advertisers know that, but still insist on advertising for their own profit.
Although advertising has negative effects, the benefits drown them out. Even though advertising causes many people to buy unnecessary products, their purchases help the economy keep functioning. Take the purchase of cigarettes as an example, it enhances the economy and financially helps it. The advertising of cigarettes is an "example of advertising's enormous power and economic value" (source B). Without the advertising of products like cigarettes, the economy will fall back because it plays a very big role in the economy. The advertisement of cigarettes has helped the economy by creating a mass market so it is good and beneficial.
Considering the main reason for most advertisements, and the advertising itself, they exist for the benefit of producers only. And they set an example of ‘desirable life’ regardless of our opinions, sometimes even against moral common senses. They practically brainwash our society to only better themselves.