He believed that he could create life, but did not have to knowledge of the effect of his creation. He felt that he would be able to command or control every aspect of his creation. He did not understand that his new creation would have a mind of his own. Through this misunderstanding, Frankenstein caused himself a lot of pain, suffering and confusion. Even though his creation had a lot of mishaps, others were amazed and blown away by the fact that he had created life. The birth of Frankenstein’s creation created the opposite feelings or reactions than the normal child’s birth. The people were amazed at what was created, but were frightened by the expectations of what was to come. Would all people be created this way? Would everyone just create their own idea of a person? Were the great expectations of a new life, new birth becoming a thing of the past. They knew that the creation would not be a seed of their seed and their traits would not carry forth to the next generation. That made for an unstable foundation to the family structure. The people
He believed that he could create life, but did not have to knowledge of the effect of his creation. He felt that he would be able to command or control every aspect of his creation. He did not understand that his new creation would have a mind of his own. Through this misunderstanding, Frankenstein caused himself a lot of pain, suffering and confusion. Even though his creation had a lot of mishaps, others were amazed and blown away by the fact that he had created life. The birth of Frankenstein’s creation created the opposite feelings or reactions than the normal child’s birth. The people were amazed at what was created, but were frightened by the expectations of what was to come. Would all people be created this way? Would everyone just create their own idea of a person? Were the great expectations of a new life, new birth becoming a thing of the past. They knew that the creation would not be a seed of their seed and their traits would not carry forth to the next generation. That made for an unstable foundation to the family structure. The people