A reference to a literary, mythological, or historical person, place, or thing.
A contrast between appearance and reality – usually one in which reality is the opposite from what it seems; when one thing is expected to happen or be, and the exact opposite occurs.
The use of any object, person, place, or action that both has a meaning in itself and that stands for something larger than itself, such as a quality, attitude, belief, or value.
The use in a literary work of clues that suggest events that have yet to occur.
An event in which the essential nature of something – a person, a situation, an object – is suddenly understood in a new way; a sudden realization; an “aha!” moment.
The background against which action takes place. the geographical location the occupations and daily manner of living of the characters the time or period in which the action takes place the general environment of the characters (i.e. social, moral, emotional)
The quality of a literary work that makes the reader uncertain or tense about the outcome of events.
A recurrent element in a literary work
A pattern or strand of imagery or symbolism in a work of literature.
A type of character, action, or situation that occurs over and over in literature; a pattern or example that occurs in literature and life.
The writer’s attitude or feeling toward a person, a thing, a place, an event, or a situation.
A central message or insight into life revealed through the literary work. A lesson about life or people.
Point of View
The perspective from which a story is told.
The feeling created in the reader by a literary work or passage.
A device in which words, sounds, and/or ideas are used more than once to enhance rhythm and to create emphasis.
Facts revealed by the author or speaker that support the attitude or tone in the