Assignment 1: A literature Review (2500 words essay)
Companies conduct business research in order to acquire useful information which helps to make valuable decisions. Business decisions need to be based on sound information, analysed scenarios, and possible options. In this occasion, research might be an important step to avoid a business from failing and undertaking wrong steps in terms of future plans and strategy. Hence, appropriate research may provide a basis for companies decide whether to expand internationally, selling products in a foreign market or to enter collaboration with another company. So, in current global business world the organisational research has become more complex due to a shift from domestic to international research. However, research crossing national borders entails various challenges. Across different cultures around the world, research findings within one region can be interpreted differently in another region. Therefore, researchers need to be aware of methodological issues when conducting for instance surveys etc. within a cross cultural context.
In general, organisational research methods are determined by a number of influences ranging from “organizational, historical, political, ethical, and evidential to personal factors” (Buchanan and Bryman 2009, pp. 1-6). The main aim of this essay is to critically assess the survey-based research method in the context of organisational research by critically reviewing relevant literature. However, to illustrate the relevance of the field of International Human Resource Management (IHRM) and the cross cultural context, an overall connection to surveys as a research designs will also be made.
The literature review draws on a range of articles and relevant literature utilise different research designs comprising surveys both quantitative and qualitative and mixed methods approach. However, the prime focus seems to be laid on surveys. In the organisational research setting
References: Allen, R. S., Takeda, M. B., White, C. S., Helms, M. M. (2004) Rewards and Organizational Performance in Japan and the United States: A Comparison. Compensation Benefits Review. vol. 36 (1): 7-14. Anderson, V Baruch, Y. and Holton, B.C. (2008) Survey response rate levels and trends in organizational research. Human Relation. Vol. 61(8): 1139 – 1160. Bryman, A. and Bell, E. (2007) Business Research Methods, 2nd Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press Buchanan, D.A Carr, C. and Harris, S. (2004) The Impact of Diverse National Values on Strategic Investment Decisions in the Context of Globalization. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management. Vol. 4(1): 77-99. Dillman, D Easterby-Smith, M.,Thorpe, R., Jackson, P. (2012) Management Research (4th ed.). London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Fowler, F. J. (2002). Survey Research Methods (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. Harzing, A.-W. (2006) Response Styles in Cross-national Survey Research - A 26-country Study. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management. Vol. 6(2): 243-266. Hewson, C., Yule, P., Laurent, D., & Vogel, C Huxman, C. and Vangen, S. (2003) Organizational Practice through Action Research: Case studies and Design Choices. Organizational Research Methods. Vol. 6(3): 383 -403 Maurer, M Rogelberg, S. G. and Stanton, J.M. (2007) Understanding and Dealing With Organizational Survey Nonresponse. Organizational Research Methods. Vol. 10(2): 195-209. Saunders, M., Lewis, P., Thornhill, A. (2009) Research Methods for Business Students (5t ed.). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Stening, B.W. and Zhang, M.Y. (2007) Methodological Challenges Confronted when Conducting Management Research in China. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management. Vol. 7: (1): 121- 142.