Lecture 1 : difentions and distingshins
Welcome to our course on the English novel , this course will be an introduction and the form of history of novelistic in Britain as such it will gives a chance to explore the most popular an influential literary form of last 250 years and my first point might just be of that the novel you picked with us novels are sold in the airport grocery stores and pharmacies they also recommended to us by friends teachers and now even talks hose try to imagine how could we ever get away from them the novel is also important novels helps to shape west understanding society and human psychology if you believe for example that the society is complex and interconnected or if you think that your personality has been shaped by early childhood experience you may owe some of your most basic intellectual assumptions to the novel . novels not only such a source of ideas thinkers likers so also comes to mind they are the most popular and probably the most influential in this lecture and the next one will reviews some of the difining features of novel form and the English novel tradition and particular we wana get a sense might be called the englishnes of the English novel after that we will perceive chronolagiclly tracing the historical development of the English novel form it beginnings in the 1740s to it maybe it’s culmination in 1920s all the way we will consider some of the way of interesting characters and authors in the history English letruter are authors will include sameral richhnsing and fielding from the 1800s century jane auston and john deckns or jaliate in the 1900s century and dh lurence and virgena wolfs of 20s century no priarokones these authors or the works will be assumed Now preparing course like this one scholers and teachers cant find it difficult to decide which authors are be included there certainly a case to be made for it including writers like marey shelley authors frakin staine Robert loyer stevensen doctor jacklen mster highs and so aurthors corner doile the short like home stories nevertheless the scholars will be agree that tht English novel focus on prival and personal manners usually the choice of the husband or wife so despite the popularity science fiction and mysteries stories the most appropriate subject for this course is the work of writers like austen alliate and wolf though we will devote most our time to letrary matters are approached to the novels will be multite displnarey taking biagrapical and hisortical issues as well 5;9
We will we see that the rise of the novel through 18th and 19th century communize with the number age historical of development the developments includes abrbonation the shift population from the country to the city industrialization the transformation of the british economy from agriculture to manficatory and trade and the democratization the growing extension of voting rights to the middle and working classes non eventually to the women as well as we trun to the novelist at 20th century we will see that their works was also influenced to the historical forces including those associated with the first world war having review the basic outline of our course lets vote the rest opening lecture to some obvious question first what is a novel ? how should we define that term and second how we distinguish novel from other forms of writing ?( definitions and distinguish ) literary terminology is always sliperry and the problem is specially serious in the case of the novel from the end of 17th centry through 18th centry the term novel was used of verity of ways to make matter worst closely related terms like Romans and history were always in state of flogs take for example tom johns by hennery fielding it was published in 1749 we now describe that book as novel do we feel is not only a great novel but it’s important book that helped to set the stage forms later development the problem is the fielding saw it very difrentley who could have describe tom johns as novel the term was in use at the time but he didn’t choosing instead to describe the word as a history now that description does not make any sense to us since tom johms not a real person how kind a work of fiction possibly qualify a history I think it possiable to sor out this sort of problem and arrive that is useful and reliable journalization about the novel form and it difrences from other forms but I wouldnot turn to text books and the dictionary for the answer most text books tell us that the novel is a work a fiction that usually written in prose of these from 250 to 200 pages long in this way the text books helps us to distinguish novel from biography memoirs to history the text book definitions always distinguishes novel as work written in prose from classical epic ellite odsey and there all are very long poems after all and the text books suggest some of the differences between novels and short stories or nevla because the novel is an old form it can cover period of years following characters through very long a course of development similarly because the reading time of novel maybe far longer than the running time of most plays and movies novels give us an opportunity to develop a close even into the relationship both characters and the narrator the same thing can happen with the long running TV that reason why shows are up stares down stares or with separators and sometimes describe as novelistic in the end however how text books are really don’t takes a far as we might like to go the text book definitions it just to broad there are too many long works of prose fiction that we will classify novels and we need some sold basis for exloding them instead of looking to the text book than let’s look at juicy example from a relevant text will be doing this sort of things throughout our course so we might get started right away are example words comes from the word the love in access or the fairy in query this work was written by aliza Heywood and published in three part from 1719 to 1720 it was very popular at the time indeed it was best-selling works of fiction published in England between 1700 and 1740 hew all life remain something mystery are best gest is she was born around 1693 the first bibcl record of Heywood’s shows her acting in a theatre in dopline other early records suggested in time she was 26 or 27 she had had 2 children in was rising hem both or her own Heywood was an incredibly perfect writer that much we do know in the decade following her through with loving excess she wrote novel an average every 3 months she had other gift as well she seemed had stop writing fiction in the 1730s and early 1740s shifting her attention back to the theatre where she works both an actor and a writer. 10-3
She was nontofelding probably was she sadstries by the a jonthan swift and exlaxnder pote
In the 1740 heywood produced the first English magazine buying 4 women the magazine range widley covering politics scines letreture fashion she was zomed writing fiction about the same time producing for world what shes now was best known the history of miss betsy thoughtless 1751 afew years before her death in 1756 as a work on magazine may suggest Heywood was the number of many women writers active in this period we may sometimes thinks of great women writing in 1900 austen the bronteys allite as painerse but the trail which actually blaze by people like Heywood at least a century before Heywood love is excess offer agreat occasion for forther reflection of the meaning the term novel for one thing it means the definitions text books it is awork of fiction in prose about 230 pages long what more it a dinifite in tital page prozonbley by the author if you look there youll see plane as day loving axcess or the fetile improrey in novel at the things were get a real interesting because no or scholar idenfiy these work as novel that’s write despite the fact that it meet the text book definition and despite the fact that its buils no one will know describe it as such so why not why should a work build argeonal as novel continue to be idenfiy one if heywoods work doesn’t quilfay then what does and why this Is agreat questions closely realated are about the definitions form lets begun search for the answers in opening paragraphs of love in excess just one more thing before we get to the paragraph please Heywood begun narrating with the reference in the late war between the French and the conffter armies that we be awar of Spanish succesing which ended in 1714 ok so hers the passage in the late war between the French and the conferrate armies the narrative tells us there were 2 brothers who would acquire a more than ordinary reputation under the command in great looks
But the conclusion of the peace taking away any further accession of showing their valer the oldest of them whos name was col demna return to paris from once he was ubsent 2 years leaving his brother at santé omer tell the cure of some slight wounds were perfective the fame of the ride before and he has the satisfaction