Literature Reviews
Energy is an extremely significant cost factor in managing the United States petrochemical industry (Neelis et. al, 2008). According to the current business scenario, US faces an increasingly competitive and challenging business environment all over the globe, the US petrochemical industry seeks out to curtail their production costs without affecting their production output or yield. The uncertainty in oil prices is one of the most crucial factors that have a negative impact on forecasted earnings of the petrochemical industry. The most applicable method of price forecasting in petrochemical industry is making the estimations of average cost that has to be produced in a new plant in order to determine the economic size and eventually the reasonable profit. Viable and cost-effective investment in the petrochemical industry through installing energy efficient practices as well as technologies meets the tremendous challenge of preserving the maintenance of a high quality energy product. Energy usage is a significant source of emissions incorporated in the petrochemicals industry. This source of emission in the petrochemical industry causes a tremendous improvement in energy efficiency. Also the competitive factors comprising of number of manufacturer as well the employment of new technologies for the development of petrochemicals are the cause of strategic options employed in the manufacture of petrochemicals.
Discussion Strategic management evaluates critically the significant initiatives taken by an organization’s top management to allocate its resources efficiently and effectively in order to attain maximum business feasibility and profitability. The Chinese
References: Blackhall, I and Michelle, L 2010. The impacts of personal stress upon critical project decision making in construction. Available at: Bouma, G. & Atkinson 1995. A Handbook of Social Science Research: A Comprehensive and Practical Guide for Students. Oxford University Press. Bryman, A. 2012. Social research methods (4th edition). Oxford university press, New York. Campbell F. 2000. The influence of personal characteristics on effectiveness of construction site managers. Construction Management and Economics. Sofer N. Z. & Raimes, A. 2002. Keys for writers: A brief handbook. Third ed. Houghton Mifflin Company. Senge, P. 2010. The Fifth discipline: The Art and Practice of Learning Organization. Crown Publishing Group.US. Ulrich, D. 2012 HR from outside in: Six competencies for the future of Human Resources. Mcgraw Hill. United States. Underwood, M. 1989. Teaching Listening, Longman, London. Wright, T. 1987. Roles of Teachers and Learners. Oxford University Press, Oxford.