NAME: Hong Pham
Student Number: 100883930
Course: SOCI 1002
Instructor: Holly Thomas
Due Date: October 11, 2013
Question 1
How does male and female use Facebook in social interaction in social media sites setting?
Question 2+ Question 3
A. Haferkamp, N., Eimler, S. C., Papadakis, A., & Kruck, J. (2012). Men are from Mars, women are from Venus? Examining gender differences in self-presentation on social networking sites. Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking, 15(2), 91-98.
The group of authors aim to explore whether or not the patterns of communication that has been established in face-to face communication based on gender are transformed into the communication behaviours engaged in by users, especially young people, on social networking site (SNS), specifically Facebook. In this journal, the authors examine the differences in self-presentation between men and women in social networking environment. Haferkampt argues that women’s online behaviour is more impersonally oriented while men are more task information oriented. She emphasizes the social interaction of men and women on SNS by conducting study of online survey and a content analysis of user profile elements. Those profiles are used particularly to create an online identity on SNS. There are three main research questions have been asked to clarify the abstract of this study; also give a concrete and specific answer for these questions. It has revealed that men and women have different motives in term of using social networking websites. As the result of the research, the group of the authors conclude that men and women are both concerned about how they are perceived by others in the social networking environment. However, they have their own way to express what they concern about themselves and their surrounding environment.
B. Thompson, S. H., & Lougheed, E. (2012). Frazzled by Facebook? An exploratory study of gender differences in