The following review will cover resources from each team member for week 5’s final project, “Abuse and Advocacy Presentation”. The resources provided will cover topics, which will be discussed such as, three types of abuse, statistics and prevalence, advocacy services and their role in protecting elderly rights. It will also cover elder law services and how the protect the rights of the elderly.
Literature Resources
Muehlbauer, Melissa,R.N., M.S.N., & Crane, Patricia A, PhD, MSN,W.H.N.P., R.N.C. (2006). Elder abuse and neglect. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services, 44(11), 43-8.
This article covers -------------- of elderly abuse and neglect in elderly people in the United States. Each year the reported incidences of adults over the age of 65 are exploited, mistreated, and injured by family, caregivers, and medical staff. The ------------ on to describe the types of abuse along with theoretical explanations of why this abuse is so prevalent.
Muehlbauer, Melissa, and Crane (2006) state that a staff member, another patient, an intruder or a visitor, or a family -------------------. Abuse may include failure to implement a plan of care or provide treatment, unauthorized use of physical or chemical restraints, and use of medication or isolation for punishment or staff convenience. Abuse is defined as the infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation, or punishment, with resulting ----------------- anguish. It can also be the willful deprivation by a caregiver of needed goods or services.
Gray-Vickrey, P. (2000). Combating abuse, part I: protecting the older adult. Nursing, 30(7), 34.
Gray-Vickrey (2000) ------------- of elder abuse and provides a list of advocacy services that can be used to report and protect the older population from different forms of abuse and neglect. Some of the most used elder advocacy services, according to Gray-Vickrey (2000), -------------- on Elder