Definition of marketing strategy
There are a lot of authors speak about the marketing strategy, the marketing strategy is very important in business, it can lead the firm towards attractively economic opportunities which are adapted to their imagination and know how to provide a potential to help the company grow and earn more profits (Lambin,1997). If we want to have good marketing strategy in the firm, we need to understand the strategic situation confronting in an organization, it is an essential starting point (Crvens, 1986).
Strategic marketing can be seen like a process consisting of: analyzing environmental, other competitors, and business factors affecting to the firm and its business units, placing market opportunities, and focus on the future trend in business. Selecting market target strategies for the product-markets in each business unit, and try to managing the marketing program in order to meet market target needs (Drucker, 1973)
Research has shown that marketing strategy is pointed out the marketing goals, consumers and competitive position and so on. Marketing strategy should be deals with three forces known as the strategic 3 C’s: the consumer, the competition and the last one is corporation. A good marketing strategy should be set apart by a clear market definition, the needs of the market, relative to the competition and the key to success factors of the business. Based on the strategic three C’s, marketing strategy should follow three decisions:
1. Where to compete?
2. How to compete?
3. When to compete?
The role of marketing strategy is different from marketing management which deals with developing, applying and the right programs to achieve the goals. (Jain,1993)
Other speakers have shown that marketing strategy means you looking at the whole of a company’s portfolio of products and markets, and try to manage the portfolio to achieve the firm’s overall goals. (Jain,2000)
If your company has a successful marketing