‘A study to analyse whether recession has left its impact on TESCO – UK
Mogal Shabana Parveen
Edgehill University
The literature review that is being discussed includes the philosophies and the strategies adopted and the data collection methods used in order to carry out the research that is based on TESCO and whether it has an impact of recession or not. When required research into Tesco’s annual financial figures, customer’s, manager’s stems from a wide variety of different methodological approaches. In general, the study discussed in this review consists of a variety of approaches wherein they each have their own limitations and biases.
Included in this review a sound research, that has its emphasis on the mixed methods which involves both the qualitative and the quantitative methods. The main purpose of this paper is to provide the details of the philosophies and the strategies that are being adopted to carry out the research successfully, providing the details of the suitable ones that are being adopted. This study also discusses the pros and cons of the philosophies, strategies and the research approaches that are being adopted. Various types of data collection tools are being used as a means for gathering data. This review intends to explain the research path that is being adopted and what are the means used for gathering of facts. In order to get the basic understanding and knowledge of approach, it is essential to understand the research philosophy that is being applied. This research is mainly based on the positivism research philosophy, although other philosophies are also being discussed below.
There are three research philosophy perspectives such as Positivism, Interpretivism, and Realism. Let’s discuss in detail each of the above mentioned philosophy and the reason for selecting a particular philosophy (here positivism) corresponding to the overall research. (Flowers,
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