Review on Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) and need for a HRIS for Nurses in Public Health Sector in Sri Lanka Dr. Ravi R. Wickramaratne MBBS
Postgraduate trainee in Biomedical Informatics Post Graduate Institute of Medicine University of Colombo Sri Lanka E-mail:
Shortage of human resource data for the health sector in many developing countries including Sri Lanka is a recognized drawback in managing Human Resources in Health (HRH). Currently the availability of staff, deployment and training data are received and maintained in a paper based system and analyzed manually at the Ministry of Health in Sri Lanka. This literature review outlines the strategic plan for development of the health system while concentrating mainly on Human Resource Management in Health. It emphasizes the importance of introduction of a new Health Resource Information System (HRIS) to the country by instancing related projects done globally.
Key words: Human Resource in Health, Human Resource Information System, Strategic Framework
Sri Lanka has a land area of 62,705 Km2. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was 40.6 billion US$, per capita growth rate was 4.1% in 2008 and the total midyear population was 20.2 million in 2008 [1]. Out of that human resources in health (HRH) are basically as follows. Doctors: 1 per 2,300 people and Nurses: 12.1 per 10,000 people [3]. Sri Lankans enjoy a long life expectancy and in 2005 for male life expectancy was 71 yrs, and for female it was 77yrs. The key health facility provider is the Government of Sri Lanka. Both Western and Indigenous medicine systems are practiced here. The Western system of medicine is more popular at present. The health care being delivered to the patients by the government exists as a totally free of charge service. The government health system has been decentralized since 1989 and the Ministry of Health has decentralized the management of the Health care
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