
Literature review & theoretical framework

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Literature review & theoretical framework
An Investigation on the
Importance of
Branding for a Small
Independent Boutique

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March 2011
In contemporary business environments, small independent organisations are often faced with significant pressures to survive market competitiveness (Abimbola, 2001; Bristow, et, al, 2002; Moroko & Uncles, 2009; Wilden, et, al, 2010). Accordingly, in order to compete with prevailing competitors, many businesses employ branding as a key strategy to establish a positive reputation in the marketplace (Abimbola, 2001; Balmer & Greyser, 2006; Herstein
& Gamliel, 2006; Ueno, 2010). Subsequently, Lin, et, al (2010) as well as Souiden, et, al
(2006) postulate that further in-depth studies are needed to investigate how branding can assist companies to achieve their organisational presence in the marketplace. Consequently, as there is inadequate research on branding literature, this study helped to establish a comprehensive understanding regarding the effectiveness of branding for small independent organisations. Therefore, this management report addressed the main research question of
‘how can small independent businesses use branding to create its presence in the marketplace?’ Accordingly, this investigation aimed to establish how branding can be implemented as a crucial strategic tool by small companies to gain a competitive advantage.
To achieve the objective of this study, this management report adopted a case study design, including mixed methods to gather both qualitative and quantitative data.
Similarly, a focus group and a semi-structured face-to-face interview were used to collect qualitative information, while survey questionnaires were employed to assemble quantitative data. The methodology used during this analysis was regarded as the most appropriate due to the fact that the mixed methods helped to significantly explore the perspectives of the participants, in accordance the research question (Bell &

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