The global economy has made considerable progress in the last two decades in easing border restrictions on merchandise trade, by addressing trade-protective measures of non-tariff barriers and high tariffs, through the implementation of structural reform programmes as well as commitments undertaken under the multilateral framework of the GATT/WTO. With the passage of such ‘first generation’ trade policy reforms, attention has focused increasingly on other direct and indirect impacts of domestic regulatory regimes on international trade, the so-called ‘second generation’ trade issues concerned with behind-border measures that fall under the heading of trade facilitation. Broadly defined, these measures include anything from institutional and regulatory reform to customs and port efficiency and are inherently far more complex and costly to implement.
This paper makes an objective evaluation on the contribution of Customs to trade facilitation within the East African Community (EAC) by reviewing literature on the subject from various sources. The paper is developed against the background of trade facilitation as understood by the World Trade Organization (WTO). The paper therefore examines how and to what extent the trade facilitation-related aspects of the WTO are (or are not) reflected in the EAC customs law and administration. The World Customs Organization’s Trade facilitation instruments, particularly the Revised Kyoto Convention, are also considered. After examining the EAC customs law and administration, suggestions are made for better coordination, harmonisation and simplification of international trade/customs procedures within the East African Community.
Further examination of literature on the subject of the effects and impacts of trade facilitation on its current operative form and on reform provides scope for evaluation of the economic effects and
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