The most significant effect that people have on the environment is the power to choose to pollute it. Ever wonder about all the ways we pollute the world everyday? Probability not, nowadays people are more careless about the environment. Sadly, because of our actions the world is being destroyed. Since people are becoming lazy and not throwing their trash away, the environment is swimming in litter. Also, because of our trash millions of innocent animals are dying each year from consuming or getting stuck in garbage. Plus all of the pollute we make is causing global warming. We humans have a major impact on the world, and every little thing we do affects it. So …show more content…
This is probably the reason why the earth is being polluted with trash. Studies show that people litter because they do not feel responsible for public areas and that people usually litter outside of their neighborhoods where the trash becomes someone else’s problem. One example on how litter can affect the environment is that organic litter can cause water pollution and lead to algal blooms, and cigarettes could also start fires if they are not put out and then discarded in the environment. In Al Gore's speech he talks about how in 7 years the North Polar ice cap might “fall off a cliff.” This might happen in 7 years because of the Northern Hemisphere tilting away from the sun. This happened because of all the pollution and global warming we caused and because of our trash. So, people may argue and say one piece of trash on the ground doesn't really matter and that it’s okay to throw little pieces of trash on the floor but it’s not. Every little piece adds up and still causes damage on the environment. So think next time you're about to throw your candy wrapper in a nearby bush. Think about the consequences of that action and how it will affect the