I referred this article to chapter four
I referred this article to chapter four
the ethical and legal implications of breaching company policy on the use of electronic data…
If someone told you “You are being watched every time you use digital communications, “how would you feel? The majority of people would probably feel discomfort. Sadly, you are being watched by the National Security Agency or NSA. While they allegedly keep us safe, the NSA shouldn't continue to monitor everyone’s digital communications. It gets every tax paying citizens money involved. They violate an amendment of the constitution. Likewise, there is a major loss of privacy. They simply have access to too much information. (Pathos)…
There are only a few exceptions to the law in regards to a company monitoring their employee’s use of Internet or phone usage while on company time. One of these exceptions is called the “ordinary course of business”, it is stated that under this exception “the employer may monitor employee communications to ensure such legitimate business objectives as assuring quality control”(Nord, G.D., McCubbins, T., Horn Norn, J.; August 2006/Vol. 49, no.8).…
Another ethical issue is the question of whether or not these programs (electronic monitoring, especially) violate our 4th Amendment right to be secure in our persons If people feel (or know) their every move is being monitored 24/7, does that mean the person is “secure” in their person? I personally would not feel secure, as I would believe my privacy is being invaded, that I cannot even move freely about my own home without worrying I may do something…
Hansson, S. O., Persson, A. J., Jan 2003, Privacy at Work-Ethical Criteria, _Journal of Business Ethics_, Part 1, Vol. 42, Issue 1, p. 59-70, 12p, Retrieved on September 8, 2006, from EBSCOhost website http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdf?vid=29&hid=11&sid=6fd07b5a-b177-42f8-bcd3-def12a5cabc0%40sessionmgr101…
In times like today a company needs to know what is going on within itself. This means that having access to computers, email, mobile devices along with monitoring systems in the work place. Some of my fellow classmates to not agree with some of the practices but per our reading in Workplace Privacy it stays that “Under the “ordinary course of business” exemption, for example, employers may monitor email communications if the employer can show a legitimate business purpose for doing so” (Friedman, Reed, 2007). If employees know that they are being closely watched it decreases the chances of them not working or cheating the company.…
Ottenmeyer, E.J., & Heroux, M.A. (1991). Ethics, public policy, and managing advanced technologies: The case of electronic surveillance. Journal of Business Ethics, 10(7), 519.Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/198000915?accountid=32521…
The idea of employee rights involves many complex issues. An employee’s right to a workplace free of discrimination and harmful environmental factors is obvious. Yet, other issues surrounding privacy, personal expression, and communication monitoring are not as clear-cut. While employees may feel that they have the right to express their opinions and use business communications while working, not only may they be fooling themselves but they are acting in a way that is unethical. While businesses do not have the right to control employee behaviors outside of the workplace, they do have the right to monitor and control communications and employee actions during paid time. As such, employees have the right to reasonable expectations in terms of communication, yet cannot (within limits) ethically demand a right to privacy, private communication, or personal expression while they are utilizing business property or on business time. Workplace privacy has been a hot issue in the last decade, as more and more workplaces incorporate email and Internet-use into the office environment. Many employees now use email and the Internet daily, not to mention the telephone (Nord, McCubbins, & Nord, 2006). With high volumes of communicatio…
In recent history, there has been an influx in controversy regarding e-mail, Internet usage, and overall privacy policies in the workplace. Because of the extensive increase of personal e-mail, smartphones, social media, and other Internet-based communications, the need for laws that govern privacy for the users of these communications is crucial. These policies are usually implemented to ensure security and to reduce liability. This report will show examples of privacy issues, laws, and experiences in the workplace.…
There is much debate over what employers should and should not be able to do when it comes to monitoring the communications of individuals under their employment. There are those who feel that the rights of the individual are not limited to protection from the Government and employers have limited rights in regards to employee communication. There those that feel that the employer should have very little to no restraint in monitoring those under their employment. Going too far in either the employers or employee position can create an unproductive and unrealistic standard for a working environment. Employers must be able to create and maintain both a productive and safe working environment from their employees. However this does not mean employees should be subject to unreasonable and intrusive monitoring practices by their employer. Communication privacy laws and workplace policies should be carefully crafted to provided balanced protection both the interest of employer and employee.…
YOUR HUMAN CHILD & YOUTranslated from the original binary BEGIN TRANSMISSION Modern science is breaking new ground in the study of…
Privacy is something everyone should have the right to. In fact, the First and Fourth Amendment protects this right. A major issue evolving in today's workplace is the invasion of employees' privacy by the employer. Everyone has a right to privacy at home, but this right does not include the workplace. Many employers have started monitoring the actions occurring by the employees of their company while at work. One of the many ways of monitoring action is through accesses to employees email correspondence. Many employers have private email severs which they have access to. This action is used to prompt employees to handle work related emails only. What would happen if an employee access there personal email while at work? Would that personal email be subject to…
Employee privacy is a very controversial topic. The first issue at hand is whether or not the employer in Case 9.3 has the right to invade her employees’ privacy. It can be argued that employers don’t have the right to invade their employees’ privacy. It is one thing for an employer to monitor their employees in the workplace to make sure they are not doing something that will affect the company’s profits, but it is a much more egregious issue for the employer to go beyond his or her interest to invade his or her employees’ privacy when they are not working.…
It was playtime for the one year old boy. There were all sorts of toys. The playroom was very small. There was a huge toy chest full to the top with toys. On the wall there was a body length mirror. This was the little boys favorite place to play. He would also play with some of the other toys like blocks, cars, stuffed animals and other things. No matter what he grabbed he always brought it in front of the mirror.…
Powerful reasons exist to monitor employee online behavior at work. These reasons are compelling for many employers and understandable and have experienced it myself. In my own experience with electronic surveillance of employees, I watch employees with monitoring software, and they had been watching pornographic movies at work, stealing and breaking items, or simply missing scanning certain items. At my old job you had to clock in with a calendar and on top of that you were secretly monitored with when you logged in and out. Also what you looked at online also was monitored. Suspicious behavior by the employees in question prompted the review of electronic records. So, many employers have the capacity to use electronic surveillance of employees, and choose not to practice electronic surveillance.…