In these situations the media is illuminating the events that are going on because it shows how life was in the South.Counts’ photos of Elizabeth Eckford heckled by Hazel Bryan on the first day of school. Fine said,’’But in a mob group, something happens when that group gets together.’’(LaNier 7). It illuminated how racist white people were in the South and how hard it was for African-Americans people to get what they were promised and wanted.They were promised by the Constitution and it shows how people were in the South.Americans especially outside the South, were outraged by the treatment of the Little Rock Nine.’’If this is what it takes to bring this about what kind of Country is this?’’(Tougas 44). It illuminated that the Country knew what was …show more content…
going wasn’t good and it was embarrassing. These events are illuminated because the media showed what was really important.
In this situation the media is inaccurate because at the thanksgiving dinner everyone is faking about how they are feeling.
And the media says there isn’t turmoil going on but Carlotta thinks there is turmoil going on. Mrs.Bates does a Thanksgiving dinner at her house.’’While the nine us tried to put the best face on integration for the public’’(LaNier 110). It inaccurate because they are making it seem like everything is alright. Carlotta describes a newspaper account written in the Gazette. The article was about daily life at the school. Carlotta says it was far from the truth.’’Not entirely calm, by any means, but not in turmoil either.’’(LaNier108) It’s inaccurate because it was turmoil going on and the newspaper is making it seem like nothing happens. These events are inaccurate because it shows how the media is trying to make it seem like nothing is
In 1957, the media both illuminated events that occurred and distorted events by painting an inaccurate or incomplete picture. The events that are put in paragraph 2 are showing how the media illuminated all the bad thing that were important.The events that are in paragraph 3 are stating how the media was inaccurate about events that weren’t as important as it seemed to be. By looking at the media shows as things that aren’t true half of the time.